The most frustrating thing about building software is the feeling that I'm building sand castles that will eventually get wiped away. It takes a staggering amount of effort *just to keep software running exactly the same as before*. Not to add improvements! Not to fix bugs! Just to keep it working exactly the same as it once did. It's maddening if you want to have a sense of personal pride at something you built years ago. Your "legacy" is nonexistent, unless you stay on the treadmill.
re: Gross butt stuff
Also sorry to Fiona for having to launch her into space by standing up so quickly
@kumamushi She's getting very used to this
Home automation is addictive.
@anthracite I tried LastPass but I really dislike its UX. I used to use 1Password (which does support notes/security questions) but then it went subscription and got expensive. These days I use Firefox Lockwise because it works everywhere I need it to, but the downside is no notes field.
@anthracite I really should use those “wish it were two-factor” questions as places to add additional random passwords but keeping those in password managers is so difficult :/
@Patashu I do not understand your weird slang term
re: death and decomposition
@metapianycist Yeah the traditional cotton shroud is basically that.
@metapianycist yeah I have no idea about the actual chemistry involved. I mean really the best burial is a natural one in like a cotton shroud or the traditional Jewish plain wooden coffin with no nails or liner
@zorinlynx yeah right now I think the only thing I'm watching on Netflix is Pokémon. I was planning on canceling my subscription after She-Ra ended and I might just have to follow through on that.
Seattle-based music/code/comics critter. Vaguely friend-shaped. Fibro-spoony, queer, ADHD, and anxious as heck. Handle with care.