@vahnj my spleep is so hecked lately it doesnt help (or does it) i have a job where I can often sleep in super late so I dont bother to unfuck my sleepery
@thefishcrow @vahnj @Fidgetcetera@dev.glitch.social that reminds me i should draw my starfox oc that I created as self care more and post her here. I love her but I was kinda embarrassed I was nerding out so hard? Pfssshaw
@thefishcrow @vahnj @Fidgetcetera@dev.glitch.social see as a diehard starfox fan and high scorer GOOD, YOU ARE CORRECT.
@vahnj @Fidgetcetera@dev.glitch.social yeah like people who gatekeep about zelda in particular for some reason makes me wanna roll eyes. But a heck upon gatekeeping!! Games are fun!!! YEAH!
@typhlosion I LOVE IT
it's also surprisingly good work music? I put it on a lot when I drawr
@typhlosion heartily agree but also consider
"Medieval Music - 'Hardcore' Party Mix"
Ok @thefishcrow says to toot an art so here is a prerry vulture! I love vultures; to me they symbolize rebirth from a buncha bad bullshit. Did u know the ancient egyptions traditionally believed all vultures to be female? Fun #FAKTS i have no context for, namaste!!! https://awoo.space/media/6-G0wbXa9DzU7PjkAmg
@thefishcrow that reminds me: there is an anti-MRA subreddit they made in response to r/theredpill named r/punchingmorpheus lmao
@thefishcrow y ru morpheus
cute goofy goth crow garbage. luv2 draw aminals, goth shit, titty, and combinations of the above. queermo, she/they