@sargoth AWOOOOOOO
@vahnj lovin that typhlosio content, On Line
@thefishcrow VERY
@thefishcrow WHAT
@yatchi i was rly all about this info until i read the last sentence, rip
@jasminehenry np! You should deffo play undertale, it's fantastic ps DONT KILL ANYONE!! Even the goat mom... it will appear u have to kill her but just spam mercy
I usually dont like give pregame advice like this but if u go thru the game without doing a murder the ending is so, incredibly,, good
@kelseyhusky i was reading an article about an ai which was already biased and held mainstream stereotypes because it machine learned from humans. Yeeep.
@jasminehenry undertale is the only thing i can think of with an explicitly nb protagonist but I assume you've played that :> ROM (read only memories) gives you the option to selecy whichever pronouns you like. And I think some of the Souls games have a gender slider rather than selecting man or woman?
cute goofy goth crow garbage. luv2 draw aminals, goth shit, titty, and combinations of the above. queermo, she/they