mention of violence but, like, the good kind
"Lions fatally maul rhino poachers"
you're doing great sweetie!!!!!
I feel Terrible for this but I don't know what to do.
My car needs more repairs (From what I can tell the charging system is broken) multiple lights are on, the gas tank still hasn't been fixed yet.
My tooth shattered and will need attending.
And my case worker has my benefits on hold because a form was filled out wrong, and he's not back till the 10th.
If anyone can help. I really appreciate it.
black woman climbed statue of liberty (POL)
"Young black woman has climbed up part of the statue of liberty base to protest the 'ICE' illegal kidnapping of children and assault of families and American freedom!"
You go!
Also, this is giving me flashbacks to Deus Ex (old-ass one, from 2000) Liberty Island level, which had a similar message.
Today is the day in the US when we celebrate #Amexit
It's July 4, and we all know why that date is significant...
That's right! It's when Chinese astronomers in 1054 recorded a supernova near Zeta Tauri - a supernova that would later become the Crab Nebula! #astronomy
uspol, detentions, religion
Christ Church Cathedral in Indianapolis, IN has "detained" statues of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph to protest Trump and ICE:
The spaceship landed. An alien emerged.
"Hi," it said. "Um. I wrote a note, but..."
It held out a crate of plums.
"For your ice box. Sorry."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
pronouns: they/them
location: Seattle
phenotype: dracosaur
alignment: chaotic well-intentioned
aka Sprackraptor, Rasha, elynne, Yahvahzensil, & etc.
40-something ace/aro
an identity under construction in a badly-fitting human suit.
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