financial need, immediate, boost me?
Specific amounts that I need today:
$55 to pay for therapy.
$7.29 to pay for dawnfeast (it's like breakfast, but earlier >_> )
$165 to pay for storage unit so my stuff doesn't get thrown into the street.
If you can spare a dollar or two, literally anything helps.
I use Simple Banking, which allows instant, free transfers.
I'd prefer to use LiberaPay (see )
GoFundMe takes...days to process, unfortunately.
Just popped open a #Warcraft character I hadn't played in a portfolio or Github account? #jobsearch
UK action
via Discord -- for anyone in UK:
Tomorrow, there’ll be a debate in UK Parliament on whether to ban online platforms used by sex workers, inspired by Trump’s FOSTA/SESTA legislation. While the tories leading the debate claim that it will combat trafficking, it definitely will harm sex workers, creating further risk.
You can use this online form to write to your MP, to ask them to speak up against such legislation.
Via our friends at SCOT-PEP.
Whoever sent me €5, which I assume is for the work I've been doing with this fork stuff, thank you so much! 💞
If anyone else want to help sponsor a massage ($50), buy me a pizza ($5), buy us a week of fresh veges ($10), or any spare change for the work I did during June, you can find my PayPal here:
Thank you for your consideration 💞
Boosts are welcome too 💞
Holy shit Starbucks will pay for your GRS and FFS! #trans
@green I don't want the world, I just want your half
my energy spent at last and my awoo is destroyed
pronouns: they/them
location: Seattle
phenotype: dracosaur
alignment: chaotic well-intentioned
aka Sprackraptor, Rasha, elynne, Yahvahzensil, & etc.
40-something ace/aro
an identity under construction in a badly-fitting human suit.
~follows welcome; followbacks not guaranteed~