Mental health ramble
I see mood as a three-dimensional thing.
One axis is perspective. Good or bad. This is what people usually mean by "mood"; they're having a good day or a bad day.
Then there's sensitivity. How easily your mood changes based on stimuli. Depression is low sensitivity.
Last is anxiety. How much you're expecting changes in mood.
So you can have a "good day" while being tense and numbed by depression. "Bipolar" is sensitivity bouncing around.
Just a thought.
@vulpeslagopus Thanks :) Oxygen saturation is full and chest x-ray was fine so this is in the "we don't know so we'll wait and see" category. Luckily it doesn't *feel* serious, I just wind up yawning a lot
aaaaaa @thefishcrow came up with buckawoos and it's the best nickname
Serious furry stuff
So this is a thing:
Goes without saying that this is fucked and I'm never going to RMFC again. I went last year because a bunch of other writers went, and during a "matchmaking" panel one of the Raiders showed up and spoke. Right away you could tell everyone hated his guts, so that was encouraging at least.
(Funny enough, talking about going to RMFC and encountering Nazi furries helped me get into grad school.)
@Riley I got the notification there, but not here, which means the whitelisting here works perfectly!
(I did the follow before Vahnj added it to the whitelist)
@thelsdj Totally! It's *really* sparse, since I just set it up and all, but I'm working on content. And updating GUI assets without breaking the whole thing. Again. :joy:
@Riley Yeah :( I broke the DB, it wiped
Spun up my musicians' Mastodon instance:
Wrapped up and published my Mastodon explainer:
And finally copied all my Medium posts to my blog:
And it's only noon. Productive bunny!
@antifuchs Awoo!
Rabbit with a keyboard. Author, The Latte Segment ( she/her. Mastodon meta stuff: @hupfen