Also, turns out I've been using flowtoy stuff for-freaking-ever! I just didn't think of it as such~

To top things off, I just finished up Mechacon, picking up some sweet scores, a killer costume, new flowtoys, and a fire under my ass that seriously can't be stopped~

And to top it all off, this community seriously rocks my socks off and produces some of the most amazing original content out there. Mad props to all the creators out there, and to the folks supporting them with ideas, business, and care~

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My whole fam is seriously off the chain, and I couldn't think of ever leaving them behind. The gaming crews, my Coastal crew, my Seattle buds, and my wonderful love, @Oneironott. Much love, y'all. <3

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Let's run this right with a fresh introduction.

I'm Ark! Poly/pan as fuck. Complete nerd to the highest degree, furry trash, & a total goofball. I do IT, tons of games, and kinetic arts. I'm just here to love, learn, help, and have fun. Spread the joy, y'all~

Mainframe upgrade successful, paperwork into folders, and shelves cleaned up. Reward? A killer new blanket and refreshing The Glow of my room~

Finally! All I need are good cables, or that awesome GC HDMI mod~ <3

What the fuck are you doing, hair? I look like fuckin' Powerline.

Aw hell yea, now this is tight. So happy I went ahead and looked at upgrading my desk setup.

On top of that, some of my new goodies came in~ Still waiting on the chair and some VESA adapters, but oh my goodness I love a clean desk like this. <3

Death, Pets 

Once again, one of my cats has passed away. Hapatic Lipidosis. This time, my mom on the phone, with my dad on one side and my soul brother on the other. Once it was done, once again, I'm at D&B drowning myself in noise. It's nice, but sours the whole day off, especially with my other friends bailing on plans.

We shall let the darkness flow through and over me, dawning a new day moving forward with the flow.

Stay bright, my friends.

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