A good thread regarding Mercedes Lackey. As someone else said, there is a huge difference between an ally making a mistake and an enemy using a slur. We can teach our allies without traumatizing them.
RT @LarryDixonTGK@twitter.com
About my wife of 32 years:
In this @sfwa@twitter.com #Nebulas issue, Obviously, to anyone paying the slightest attention, the word was not meant sincerely or offensively. The issue is with the word, not the woman, but the woman is who is available to shred, & the teeth are shiny. 1/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LarryDixonTGK/status/1528525336589352962
It’s so important to keep reaching for people who have different perspectives and beliefs with acceptance and respect. Being in a community requires this kind of patience. It honestly makes the world a wider, friendlier place.
Like, I really hate confrontation, especially knowing it won’t lead anywhere positive. But at some point you just have to speak up and stop pretending the language someone is using is OK. And I’m there.
I don’t want to do that, but at some point I have to recognize the contact is damaging MY mental health. I just really really really wish people could take a breath and learn how to handle disagreement.
I’m perpetually torn between the impulse to try and work it out, but experience has taught me there is no touch soft enough for some people not to lash out. So you just end up quietly disappearing from their lives instead. And their world gets smaller and lonelier. It sucks.
Happy 5th anniversary to the #DarkUniverse !!
RT @darkuniverse@twitter.com
Witness the beginning of a #DarkUniverse.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/darkuniverse/status/866706548923314176
RT @punkcatash@twitter.com
Batch 2: bunnies!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/punkcatash/status/1522332791114977281
RT @punkcatash@twitter.com
Batch 1 of the YCH 💕
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/punkcatash/status/1521296130444775427
RT @70sSciFiBoy@twitter.com
Before acting in Episode IV - A New Hope, Carrie Fisher had never seen a single Star Wars movie.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/70sSciFiBoy/status/1347913978719203329
Distorted humanoid shapes and/or flashing eyes in the dark will always scare the dickens out of me
RT @slimyswampghost@twitter.com
"You can tell whenever he's running through the woods nearby, all the chickens on the farm start singing at once, like a choir"
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/slimyswampghost/status/1040637986805821446
Distorted humanoid shapes and/or flashing eyes in the dark will always scare the dickens out of me
RT @slimyswampghost@twitter.com
"You can tell whenever he's running through the woods nearby, all the chickens on the farm start singing at once, like a choir"
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/slimyswampghost/status/1040637986805821446
RT @Tonya_Song@twitter.com
If you're coming to BLFC don't miss my concert!! I'll be singing all original music of mine at 2PM on Saturday, Second Stage! This is the best way to support furry music in the fandom and it'll be a blast too!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Tonya_Song/status/1528126164681641984
RT @ThePenDrake@twitter.com
Man coming up to the restaurant: “Is this a good place to eat?”
Chili’s waitress: “Uh, it’s Chili’s…”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ThePenDrake/status/1528421745207779329
A digital jackalope living in a black man's body. Pronouns: he/him/his. I love my blackness, and yours.