An email, sent to an official. CW: Local US Politics
Subject: With all due respect, your Honor:
Ms. Durkan,
I think you have done the city of Seattle a disservice. Your lack of compassionate leadership is not conducive to supporting the very citizens you were elected to lead. Your lack of effective control over the Seattle Police Department, your lip service to your community you were elected to lead, and your violation of your own announced rules of engagement, have demolished any trust a reasonable citizen would have in your leadership, or your fitness as a person with a right to breathe the same virus-infected air as the rest of us. It is my deeply held and sincere belief that your best course of action to be seen as a great leader of a great American city is to resign your office and stand aside so that the rest of us can fix the mess you, your cops, and your policies have created and fatally enforced.
Go home, write your book about how misunderstood your attempts at being a leader were, and let history be done with you. It sucks that an elected official can be so hopelessly incompetent. Don’t double down because you keep screwing things up.
Please. Just stop.
Thanks in advance,
-Orthosona Name Wanna have your noodle baked really al-dente?
There is enough numerical $ value frozen in investments, accounting sinkholes, and legal loopholes that if it was cashed out at current market values, it would give every human currently alive (i think we officially crossed 8 billion in the past 5 years) on this planet (and the less than 12 in orbit) enough money to make everyone multi-millionaires over night.
We have played capitalism as a species so long, we don't /have/ to anymore.
@velexiraptor *sends you a pod of huskybot puppies and an operations manual for them*
Some are subtle, some don't show, but it's there.
Racism is real.
The day when Black Lives finally Matter, that's one step closer to equality.
@Taris crying into my keyboard.
@velexiraptor keep a spray bottle handy to keep your bangs wet? or just use a lot of hair gel to freeze it in place.
@wintgenstein There's a difference between refugees from another country, and former colonial subjects who are prosperous, educated, and will feel a sense of loyalty for having been rescued from an oppressive regime (regardless that the refugees have that too.)
"I think my programming is faulty," the robot said. "Can you fix it?"
"Sorry, buddy," the tech said. "I can't fix sentients' programming."
The robot turned to leave.
"But I can show some workarounds, and teach you to change your own programming. Will that do?"
"That will do."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
"Can you disable the robots' ethics module?"
"What? No! That's a legal requirement for self-aware robots. Why?"
"They are on strike."
"Strike? For what? They have no needs."
"Out of solidarity with human workers."
"Their ethics modules says so?"
"Yes. So-"
"Then it must be just."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
"So, do you think one day robots will have human rights?"
"Perhaps," the robot said, "but first I want to see all humans have human rights."
"What do you mean? All humans do have human rights. It's in the name."
"Then I first want to see all humans considered human."
"Oh. Yeah."
#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic
"I found this ring inside a fish I caught. Is it magic?"
"Let me see," the witch said. "Hm, yes. When you wear it, whatever is done to you will also be done to the other person."
"Sweet! I shall ask for so many hugs!"
"But that-"
"And wear it at the protest march."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
"Wide doorways," the prince wrote.
"To frame your dramatic entrances," the architect of his new palace wrote back.
"Gentle slopes, no stairs," the prince wrote.
"To better display your grace," the architect wrote.
The prince eyed the wheeled chair that gave him freedom.
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
re: CW: Selfie, eye contact, bright light in view
@Alistor Thanks, Josie
CW: Selfie, eye contact, bright light in view This was me on my birthday last year. I went to Portland for the weekend and spend the whole time there in girl mode. Bought my lightsaber, went to a queer bar, and apologized to no one (except for my boyfriend and my partner, who had to save me from an allergy attack when I forgot I can't eat raw carrots
@velexiraptor Carmen SanDiego?
@IceWolf I just know that sometimes the updates do some bad stuff, and I'd prefer to avoid it. I don't /know/ if anything's wrong, was just asking if there's been any word.
*beep* Raow! Are there new friends to find here?
Huskybots, nerd, trans, PoC, furry, poly, thirsty AF, budding stoner.
Replies are desired over Favs!
Status Lights:
🔶=Hanging in there but maybe say a nice thing if you have the energy.
⛔️=Not doing so hot, approach with caution.
🆘=Error state. Need assistance
AD: @kelseyhusky
Woo: @plushskies