A Music Video dropped from Orbit (CW: Youtube Link, Electronic Music, PoC On screen, intense imagery)
Its not often I come across what I could describe as a perfect music video. This one goes on the list of candidates under consideration.
Justice - Heavy Metal.
Got any other candidates? Throw em up with #VidsFromOrbit
Working for the River Tribe and other things that happened this year (CW: Orthocosm, Youtube Links, trans stuff, my year, I guess. Long)
Last week was the last of my 4 days of 10 hour shifts.
I got to spend a little bit of Friday with my boy, and then Saturday I watched a movie with my friends over Jitsi.
There has been some good for me this year. Good friends, fleeting moments of gender euphoria, wardrobe additions that are making me feel good about myself instead of "Orthosona disguise maintenance" I got some skirt time in, I actually got ma'am-ed once. That was a nice day 3 months ago.
There have been new online spaces I've found that are welcoming and comforting, and others I've grown apart from.
I found new art that speaks to me in new ways, and I can sometimes make some of it for myself and its compelling to people besides me.
My ears healed up enough I could put in my real earrings instead of the studs I wore for work. More bimbo hoops are in my future, cause that's what Kelsey needs to be seen. *shrug* not gonna fight it, easier to roll with it.
I've taken approximately 3-4 good selfies this year. And I sent some nudes. and I've cammed to a public chat! (kept my mask on. sometimes)
I got teargassed at my first social protest (Ever!. felt really guilty about that. still do. But some rando handed me a shittily-built plywood shield and for the rest of the afternoon, I knew what I had do to. I've always felt strongest when I had to be protective.)
I saw Hamilton (on Disney+. and burned through Hamilton Youtube. Still am, really. so that's kinda par for the course, so its close enough to having seen it in theaters. Verdict: It is worth the bandwidth to pirate, if not the price.)
I'm a good puppy count: 11
I have gotten more art in one year than i have in the previous 8.
I'm playing with a new alt who is so much fun to think about and explore and experiment with.
I came out to my parents. I got a walking around letter. My name change stuff is my next big step. and I want to have that finished by my birthday.
Top Tracks this year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAndmB2Adfc
I sold Sable. I don't have a bike to replace her with.
I almost got my dream car. I was close enough to sit in it and drive it. I'm still kinda sad I didn't go for it. Maybe i should have. Yes this happened last year, but I'm still raw about it. I've had to sit with it for the whole year.
Been a little busy. This year won't really be missed. I don't know if anyone is going to really think about 2020 100% fondly. But I also can't discount the real progress i've made, nor do I have to apologize for surviving it. (I will, because I know i've survived when others haven't, and I'm me and wasn't worth it.)
Heck off 2020. I'll be glad when your done and I we can all collectively try to recover from the trauma of a never-ending March.
A scene from I.C.E.Breaker 1 #tellingStories
Ext: A public playground, sometime in the future. In a suburban neighborhood. The houses look the new Seattle houses except they are in landscape instead of portrait and with bioengineered moss lawns. attached garages/workshops, effecient cars that look like Priuses, CR-Zs, and actual station wagons (except the rear doors are sliding doors). One of them has pulled up to the open parking spot. The driver is standing in the open door, goofy dad grin on his face. Think Black Liam Neisen+Black Sean Bean. Tight fade haircut, unzipped hoodie, black jeans, New Balances. His name is Daniel Stark, and he's here to pick up his daughter.
"Rachel! Rachel! Time to go!
"But DADDDY-!"
"That's a negative, Angel-1. RTB, on the bounce."
"RTB, Yo kai, Sir!"
A nearby multi-height exuberance platform disgorges a young person about 6 years old from the entrance of its tallest slide, after showing her scrambling up the slide the wrong way just because she can. She crosses the small platform at the top of the tower in a single step and throws herself off the edge.
A friend send me a reall class two rated dream hug last night. complete with lift. The alarm going off turned into my own internal alarms telling me I was too heavy for the friend to be picking me up just to make me feel any better.
And then I woke up, right when I was starting to feel better and it carried over a little and I could feel okay enough to make it to work.
So thanks, friend.
Building a new battlestation. (CW: RFC, computer parts advice request,
Approval to begin planning for the next huskybot battlestation (codename: GIBSON) has been granted by the Station commander. I'm now accepting proposals, comments, and advice on components and subsystems.
Design constraints currently identified:
-Valve Index VR capable.
-Minimum 16 GB RAM
-nVidia graphics card.
-Minimum 4
Component constraints currently identified:
-Asus or Gigabyte for motherboard.
I've been out of the PC builder game for about 6 years and I've lost track of which code names and BMW numbers are the current hotness. I'd appreciate more info to refresh my knowledgebases.
Huskybot Selfie (Rare!) (CW: eye contact)
(The surprise of thumb holes in my new hoodie inspired my earlier wisdom)
⚠️ Ghost Rider Was Right (CW: USPOL)
It's a terrible thing, living in fear.
The stretches where i can live in the moment and not be scared about whatever the future will be are getting shorter, and they are getting farther apart.
I'm just /scared/. Of the next two months. of Georgia's runoff. Of the escalating rhetoric coming from the white house and the traitor inside it. of the silence of truth by the vehemence of delusion. of the meekness of opposition. of the balance of mass media.
Youtube channels that i've been following keep telling me that change will come from me. from local efforts. but that's not really convinicing when local efforts are either sabotaged, or just overpowered by natural institutional inertia + the active resistance of the leaders of institutions riding the FUCKING brakes.
My hope dies a little more each day. and the howling to join the void is getting louder.
Benthos Synth Platform (CW: Art, Genitals, NSFW)
I put this in the image text, but not in the toot: her top speed is 69 knots because her sail generates an electrolyzing field to create microscopic cavitation bubbles as she swims. The field is tuned to act as a non-lethal deterrent to keep aquatic life out of her path of travel so she doesn't get wildlife all over her face.
*beep* Raow! Are there new friends to find here?
Huskybots, nerd, trans, PoC, furry, poly, thirsty AF, budding stoner.
Replies are desired over Favs!
Status Lights:
🔶=Hanging in there but maybe say a nice thing if you have the energy.
⛔️=Not doing so hot, approach with caution.
🆘=Error state. Need assistance
AD: @kelseyhusky
Woo: @plushskies