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@tom given that intel is currently paying people to use their rebadged, overclocked skylake chips i think you'll get your wish soon homestuck was free and tapped into the broadening audience of video game understanders and a growing culture of bitter absurdism. It was the right thing at the right time to get extremely popular. It even has the thing where you can sort yourself into a fictional ingroup add a mode to tine that just physically routes the sound through some bad components and call it mick gordon mode

would be cool to just write whatever works and have a computer figure out the computer part, you know?

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won't fix bad code but it could make mediocre code a bit snappier

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I'm generally dubious about having machine learning do everything (you put shit in and shit's what you'll get out) but one place where that could be really useful is a compiler/code-optimiser that just attempts to produce a faster but otherwise identical version of the input code

@envgen if anything get into baseball cheating, which is far more interesting than the sport

@envgen im an expert at being bored by sports and baseball is one of the few ball sports I can't fathom anyone enjoying. its the most boring use of superhuman strength and reflexes ive ever encountered

hello friends and enemies, would you like a halo 3 stream tonight?
I have never played it before because I'm very poor

@jk unfortunately for the emulation community the N64 is not structured like a PC OR a particularly effective games console

@envgen if im ever sane and in a state where my bank account has a positive number at the end of each month im going to make a phone that's just a laptop battery with a screen in a titanium chassis

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