@noiob the virtual machine needs room for all the data it is no doubt mining
re: food (british food)
@jk not fond of this at all actually
https://www.twitch.tv/kyra_stream gamedev stream
@masklayer tbh I want all my electronics in matte deep red
@mogwai_poet mine in particular seems to value meaningless nonsense over even actual words and will sometimes sabotage entire messages at the last second. its infuriating
@mogwai_poet I used to type exclusively with perfect grammar and capitalisation; after that I switched to all lower case (even forced my phone to ignore case in autocorrect settings) and now I capitalise stuff for emphasis on desktop, and on mobile I just try and clean up after the mess autocorrect always makes
@envgen when I got my current phone which is mostly screen I celt like I was hallucinating for a while
@envgen feature phone are coming back but they combine the badness of smartphones with the badness of feature phones
@noiob like I want analogue triggers and I want tactile switches on the cardinal directions of analogue sticks and I want grip triggers but nintendo does not make hardware for freaks like me, or freaks who like racing simulation enough for an analogue trigger to mean anything. if anything nintendo makes hardware for nintendo
@noiob that's cool but also probably not something nintendo really cares about in this post-Wii world
@noiob on top of that nintendo seems to be going for developer accessibility this time around, and muddying the spec by having all these different controllers with slightly different inputs would mess with that
@noiob also the switch joy-cons are already pretty savagely miniaturised . A mechanical feature like that is either going to increase size or kick other features off the device
@noiob large mechanical parts stay consistent in price, NFC and motion controls have been plummeting. you can buy ICs like that for pennies on the kilo
@noiob extra hardware cost that's not usually put to use by developers unless they're stuck on the platform
@tom wow this is an argument people make? this is some legit flat earth tier shit
I used to make art for this site.
Helped a little with An Outcry, helping a little with Blanksword.
Starting to think I'm too disabled for real jobs, so let me know if you have a fake one that pays ok