Picking this one up mid-scene, 'cause we're like that. This is Not Quite Enough Garlic and a block of salt pork gettin' real cozy over low heat. They've been here a while, gonna be a while yet.
What's this? It's two pounds of chicken thighs, come to see what's up. They're gonna fry in pork fat for a while and get succulent.
Oh yeah, they're getting on great. Time to shake things up some.
See this? This is fond. That's French for "tasty." It's the crust of meat and fat and protein in the bottom of the pan that's the result of the Maillard reaction, which is the caramelization of food to make new flavor compounds.
That's enough science, though. We're here for the filthy bits.
Here's the fond, 'cause I can't work phone and cook.
Next up, deglazing. Two cups of garlic broth -- which is two cups of water and a little too much garlic base -- added to the hot pan and scraped until the bottom 's smooth as freshly shaven skin. Tastebuilder. Now we add aromatics like pepper.
Carrots and celery need a long time to get used to the idea that they're on camera. Nervous ingenue, they have to have time to stew before their big scene. The onion's in here as a fluffer of sorts, getting everyone in the mood for a menage à vegetable. We'll check back in on these good people after they've gotten to know each other.
Oh those kids. Looks like they got to know each other real good. All that hot and heavy and they've given up some extra juice for the sauce. Time to make a move in their suggestible state.
This is roux; I invite them to most of my gigs. They're a big part, but so rarely get top billing. I figure it's time to let them shine for a while. We're going deep in this, past blonde if we can.
Hey, remember the menage? Remember all the tasty vegetable broth those crazy crudites gave off? It's always the shy ones. We'll, here's what happens when you let roux get hold of all that goodness, plus half a cup of water 'cause we're going for sauce, not batter. Batter's another escapade. Plus some salt, some rosemary, and some more pepper because why not?
Also, remember to include the photo, as a record of your crimes.
@literorrery Spring Break like you've never seen it. You won't believe what these ingredients get up to while the cameras are rolling!
So, it has come to this.
This is what happens when all the plot threads come together: garlic stew. This started life as jambalaya, then passed through seventeen years with @ElectricKeet and multiple food sensitivities to arrive, re-Francophiled, as a mirepoix with salt pork and chicken, to be served over rice. Now's a good time to borrow a friend's time machine and go back two hours so your rice is ready. Serve when ready.