@Momentrabbit Nothing. that's the "punch" "line." I just kind of randomly thought "what's the worst usage of apostrophe's you can think of that you might see on a sign in the real world?"
And yes, that's on purpose.
Reminds me of those passive-aggressive signs I see periodically around the US, where they use quotes instead of bold or underline because they don't understand how English works
@literorrery ... Pointy One help me, you're the unbalanced parenthesis of the mind's eye in the dark. O.o
@Momentrabbit Sin Tax Error: Missing ; ^v^
@literorrery I figure so long as my sin taxes are offset by the revenue from selling parking permits for the semi in my colon, I should be able to keep nicely obscure in the margins of the instrumentation. n.n
@literorrery ... well? My'reselves' whats?