@mawr friends of ours on the peninsula raise farm collies and have a litter. I kinda accidentally fell in love ;.;
Meta, meme, birdsite.
I was gonna post this over on birdsite, but I kinda think saying "I'm gay" is more of a Mastodon thing? Like, it might get taken too literally over there.
Memes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Entropy_in_Drag @cassi the gods are smiling on this auspicious occasion! Or at least the clouds are gone.
ALSO HOLY HECK I'm gonna see @Entropy_in_Drag and @cassi today and I'm PUMPED
Birdsite link, lewd video, GRS
@cassi yeah, that was any% though. (More seriously, I'd already been dilating for half an hour, so I was all stretched already)
Birdsite link, lewd video, GRS
I can't post this here cause it's so big, so you'll have to forgive linking to it on birdsite. Someone suggested I make a video, so hey, let's go on a tour of a neovagina \o/
tmi gross
@Floe @Entropy_in_Drag sung to the tune of We Got The Beat by The Go-Gos
Lewd selfie, GRS recovery
@tastymochafox v. v. sof~
Recovering techie with an MFA in creative writing at Cornell College, working on like a kajillion writing projects at once.
Trans/nb, queer, polyam, median, constantly overwhelmed.
Skunks&: https://makyo.is/plural