@Oneironott So, someone I know @frameacloud I think?) once shared an observation that many trans women identify with robots, and many trans men identify with werewolves, which makes a sort of strange intuitive sense, considering how the transition paths are constructed, socially.
So obviously that means enbies would be ROBOT WEREWOLVES. :D
@indi It makes me wonder about my recent identification with werewolfs combined with my more alter-male tenancies 8P
@Oneironott Yesgood. :9 I also have strong good feelings about werewolves as something to be and something to male out with. ;)
Guess who got @neonNeptunian that "werewolf boyfriend" t-shirt. ;)
@CoronaCoreanici @indi @Oneironott
i is, it's true
sweet and cuddly but also capable of lifting objects more competently than most!
also biting. :D
@CoronaCoreanici @indi @Oneironott *friendly howling, wagging, playful soft tackling*