
hot dang there's already a High Quality Rip of Smash Ultimate Megalovania

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@noiob wait what the fuck is Sans Undertale actually in Smash I thought people were joking.

@starkatt just as a Mii Fighter costume, though it comes with an actual Megalovania remix by Toby Fox

@thingywott I don't know? Like I don't think there have been any leaks? Maybe someone had a Megalovania Rip sitting in a drawer somewhere

@noiob i guess having a pocket megalovania has its uses, hee

but even still, that's still crazy fast D:

@thingywott lmao imagine having a small gizmo in ur pocket that played megalovania when the pocket gets opened

@thingywott oh dang if I had a PC speaker I could probably build it myself with an Arduino

@noiob oh gosh. i tried to do this quickly in tasker, and immediately realized the error of my ways when it started to play with no way for me to stop it

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