@jk 5ghz gets absorbed and reflected a lot easier so it's harder to actually use in other rooms

@kyra @jk also there's better and worse 5GHz channels

@Nine @kyra @jk at certain points in the spectrum, if there's not much else going on, you can use more bandwidth (basically use multiple channels)

@Nine @kyra @jk here's a good graphic illustrating it

@noiob @kyra @jk i understand nothing of this e_e; all i see is an excite bike stage


@Nine well, the range 802.11ac devices are allowed to use is on the x axis, it's split into channels to make it easier for devices to avoid each other. But if there's not many devices around, they can use a wider part of the spectrum to transmit more data, the parts of the spectrum the devices can use are the hills

also on some channels 5GHz migh get interference with weather radar, afaik routers are required by law to back off when they see that, so that's fun

@noiob why did you delete that reply i actually understood that XD

@Nine it wasn't correct, it's not "louder" but "at more frequencies"

@noiob oh, well, still, it defintely made sense. my brain just sorta turned to mush by the second or third use of "devices" for some reason.

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