@Cassiel@snouts.online out of context in tonight’s call.‬
‪“I can just stick my finger in it”‬

oh no a selfie 

What could one do when you stare into abyss?

Gosh I just need to be smooshed into my bed by large friends.

Honestly tho, I’ve been feeling a little happier waking up every morning, now that I can just sorta accept myself and smile at my own reflection.

Despite the scars, despite all the fear I did have.

I’m definitely happier. And I’m sorry for being a little moody with this x3;

*deep breath*

i'm gonna roll back a fair bit from all the damage, and explore being trans again on my own terms, i'll take it slow and easy but starting here on out, i'll be nonbinary/femme leaning and maybe something more further down the road.

hearing @Cassiel@snouts.online fawn and melt with enthusiasm over snow leopards warms my heart honestly~

💙 this nerd a bunch~

Yeah I’d totally follow you there as well~

Note to self,
Fucking don’t watch the spooky things on YouTube at 1 in the morning.
Fantastic way to lose all your sleep xD;

Expect me to be home way earlier and definitely a hell lot more social.


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I can finally relax,
I won’t have a single penny in debt.
I can get back to just a balanced life again.

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Oooohhhh I can’t wait
I’m extra excited today, writing out my last check and putting in my two weeks notice with one of my jobs~

Carmella boosted

Cyberpunk Furry Art (SFW) 

This is SO. RAD.

I love that translucent gas mask!

Jonas has been doing a bunch of these and I'm so happy I snagged one! :D

🎨 @artofjonas@twitter.com

I’m very sleepy and tired 💤
Show me some good tummy beds for a wuff to nap on 💙~

Carmella boosted

2-factor authentication is so perfectly entwined into 1Password that I actively dislike sites that do 2FA without an authenticator app option now.

Dreams 5, End~ 

Taking another breath I took a little time to soak in my surroundings.

I noticed that wherever I was, it was definitely surrounded by mountains in the range. Or edge of my little world.

Gleaming in moonlight, it was never dark or freezing cold with all those brilliant stars illuminating every little sparkle cascading from the snowy fields to the water and elder wood pines surrounding me.

It.. was a very nice little hub world I could see losing myself into for all eternity.

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Dreams 4~ 

when I wanted to take a better look, I dipped my head in the water, expecting a very chilling freezing temperature. And it was just, pleasantly warm, in a sense feeling almost as if you were just waking Under the covers on a very cold morning.

Underneath the water there were more of these little balls and pixels of light. Slowly drifting from side to side and all around within the lake.

I strongly remember taking a photo of this with my phone, the lake, both under and over as well.

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Dreams 3~ 

not a very large or small one, enough to house a small island on its far end near the other shore, but not too far away that it couldn’t be easily reached.

Taking a few steps back to gaze at what little cottage I came out of and it had some 4-5 floors on her.
But my attention kept being brought back to the lake, there was something about it shimmering with shades of crystal clear blues, purples, pinks and greens.

There were a bunch of particles surrounding near the edges of the lake.

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