@Cassiel@snouts.online out of context in tonight’s call.‬
‪“I can just stick my finger in it”‬

oh no a selfie 

What could one do when you stare into abyss?

Gosh I just need to be smooshed into my bed by large friends.

Honestly tho, I’ve been feeling a little happier waking up every morning, now that I can just sorta accept myself and smile at my own reflection.

Despite the scars, despite all the fear I did have.

I’m definitely happier. And I’m sorry for being a little moody with this x3;

@Cassiel@snouts.online love you hon~

@Cassiel@snouts.online seriously imma homph that tail and boop that snoot too~

Slight rant 

It’s not all that strange if I were honest, it’s a shame when some people go out of their way to milkshake duck.

*deep breath*

i'm gonna roll back a fair bit from all the damage, and explore being trans again on my own terms, i'll take it slow and easy but starting here on out, i'll be nonbinary/femme leaning and maybe something more further down the road.

hearing @Cassiel@snouts.online fawn and melt with enthusiasm over snow leopards warms my heart honestly~

💙 this nerd a bunch~

re: Big fat cat goes home (sfw though) 

look how adorable this cat is~

Yeah I’d totally follow you there as well~

Note to self,
Fucking don’t watch the spooky things on YouTube at 1 in the morning.
Fantastic way to lose all your sleep xD;

@Cassiel@snouts.online very adorable and cute~

Expect me to be home way earlier and definitely a hell lot more social.


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I can finally relax,
I won’t have a single penny in debt.
I can get back to just a balanced life again.

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