watching Rose of Versailles

I love Madame du Barry so much. Breaking into psychadelic levels of rapturous joy over getting one over on her rival.

Whenever I read 大学 (big + learning: daigaku, university) my brain just goes "BIIIIIIIIIG LEEAARNIIING" like the MST3k professors

Every time it happens in a book, movie or show, my mind returns to this comic.

These two are at the absolute top of their game, wow.

(Spoilered for spoilers. Gringo Loco vs Hijo de Vikingo, Ring Of Honor 23-4-20)

Hunter X Hunter, perfectly encapsulating the twin poles of my aesthetic

two of The Wingmen (my beloved trashboy heel faction in AEW) have changed their look completely

I feel like a cat when someone's moved around the furniture in a familiar room

Buddha's Palm (1982): Come for the magic kungfu, good plot, badass women and deathtrap dungeons

Stay for the adorable baby dragon

Dameng is adorable and can do no wrong

Abbess Miejue is such an amazing villain

Doggedly determined to be Simply Awful to the end, and with one of the best villain-smirks on film

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The uncanny irl forerunner to many an FPS map

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Ravens are *really really big*

Like, I caught a glimpse of a common buzzard sat in a tree the other day and thought at first it might be a raven, and uh

Nope, keep going, bigger than that

(Image shows a Common Buzzard & a Common Raven, also has a dead prey animal)

wrestleblather, AEW 

"Jack Evans really showing that training from Calgary.. What they call 'The Dungeon', where they'll stretch you in many different ways."

Started on painting the Dominion expansion for Star Trek: Fleet Captains this week.

So here is a lil Jem'hadar ship

Tonnes of PC parts arriving this week..

I've never actually built a PC without assistance before, just watched a friend do it and swapped out parts and such.

Going to try and take it slowly.

tfw you wanna devour souls but you don't wanna get out of bed

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