Science Fiction Short Story: Someday someone will invent a set of Bluetooth headphones that doesn't yell at 100% volume into your ear whenever it dis/connects

@skye ..I think it's trying to pitch you a cronenberg film

'Ghost In The Shell', also known as 'Robot Zootopia'

@LexYeen Ooh, I remember first learning "no it's not meant to make the pretty lights" when I was 13. I'd never used one before.

watching Rose of Versailles

I love Madame du Barry so much. Breaking into psychadelic levels of rapturous joy over getting one over on her rival.


headphones before an oncoming dusk

a triangular ship crashing into the sun

this is logo design as a cry for help

re: rpg skill check rambling // 

@lioness none of this being necessarily bad things. But it's a system that focuses on one type of play experience, and if you're looking for other things, it can disappoint.

re: rpg skill check rambling // 

@lioness my strong impression from playing it briefly is that Lancer is a great system if you enjoy making weird combat builds and using them in a Battletech-lite kinda hex-based mech combat system

also there are skill rolls outside of combat sometimes, but that's not really the focus

Definitely a combat-first RPG

Mothra Courage and her Three Children

God bless every time someone tags over a Banksy and we get a feast of delicious "art installation defaced with graffiti" headlines

Steam updating their overlay to no longer show you the time has some really skeevy casino design darkpattern vibes

@JuliaRez Yeah, Victorian corset designs are ace

The one that my current goto pattern evolved from is like, 1895 iirc. Once I got it fitted to my bodyshape it's very comfortable.

To be clear I don't think these corset tops I'm seeing around are meant to be structural at all, it's entirely a decorative/aesthetic thing, I think.

@niss dang!! cheated of my vote by my own inability to research the candidates

@JuliaRez I too am struggling to find photos of the corset tops I mean, because Google is a hive of bad AI photo-edits now.

@JuliaRez Like, if you make the neckline just a touch more modern and get rid of the flaps, you can very easily see a line from both of these sorts of shapes (cut-out bottom hem & more curved dip at the front) to contemporary corset tops.

There are corset tops shaped like modern/modern-ish corsets too, but these are the ones that make me go "Oooh, I thought you were extinct, hi!"

(Now I want a Coelocanth Corset)

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