Science Fiction Short Story: Someday someone will invent a set of Bluetooth headphones that doesn't yell at 100% volume into your ear whenever it dis/connects

'Ghost In The Shell', also known as 'Robot Zootopia'

watching Rose of Versailles

I love Madame du Barry so much. Breaking into psychadelic levels of rapturous joy over getting one over on her rival.

Mothra Courage and her Three Children

God bless every time someone tags over a Banksy and we get a feast of delicious "art installation defaced with graffiti" headlines

Steam updating their overlay to no longer show you the time has some really skeevy casino design darkpattern vibes

Women's fashion is a wild time to be a historical costume nerd atm

Like, everything old is new, yadda yadda. But 'old-ass Elizabethan corsets/stays as crop-tops' was not even remotely on my 2020s bingo card

Who Framed Roger Rabbit is the closest we've gotten to a film adaptation of The Power Broker

That extremely trans experience where you can end up taking a Community Elder role in conversations to people twice your age.

Film adaptations: She can be a tragic woobie played by a 20yr old
Me: ...No. Not like that.

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Jin Yong: This martial arts crone is a villain with a tragic past that twisted her to vengeance and evil
Me: She should be the protagonist, she has done nothing wrong and I stan this queen 100%

(this has happened multiple times in this series now)

The two core flavours of wuxia:

- The cycle of violence in the martial world is so tragic
- The cycle of violence in the martial world is so silly

Your particular enjoyment will vary wildly based on how much you enjoy weird-ass magical wuxia fights vs how much you can stomach the Song nationalism/filial piety bits.

But if that tradeoff works out then you get a cast of some of the most theatrical wacky characters getting into escalatingly ridiculous setpiece gimmicks, sitcom hijinks and competitions.

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I'm really enjoying reading Legend of the Condor Heroes. After like, watching a *lot* of 60s-modern wuxia media, it's where a lot of the recurring beats seem to come from (or, been popularised by).

It is nothing like Lord of the Rings, but I can see why that specific comparison gets made in terms of cultural impact.

The Thunderbolt Fantasy films have backstage bloopers & just wide angle shots showing performers yeeting a puppet across the set for a leap or something, and it's so good

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All movies should have either a blooper reel or a full-cast singalong at the end of the film

re: wrestling, Chikara 

Just watched a show and it had:

Chuck Taylor (now AEW) & Johnny Gargano (WWE) vs Orange Cassidy (AEW) & Drew Gulack (WWE)

And really weird "Oh wow, I know all these guys from right now" vibes. 13 years ago they were still really good, gosh.

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wrestling, Chikara 

Coping with the loss of AEW Dark by acquiring vast amounts of Chikara I never got to watch before

and gosh

Chikara was so good

Also it's amazing how many current top-billing wrestlers are there (either looking eerily young, or dressed as ants)

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