if someone ever eats my brain they will die. not because its full of weird knowledge or whatever its because the brain is just toxic, man, its primarily made of fat and usually some salts that dont sit right in the gut when ingested. im just saying if you want to eat me at any point, maybe hit up the liver first
if you download, stop right now. its nefarious. downloading takes more livee every day than moonlight exposure, which is probably true. when downloads hit your computer thwy upload part of your soul to the net and eventually you will run out of soul for the F.T.P . HANDSHAKE to happen and you will die. this is a post of safety. do not ignore this
stop downooading
hi!!! we're spaceDOTexe! a system of 6 (maybe more), 25yrs old 🔞 // current front is [NOUGAT], and pronouns are [SHE/HER]. // follow requests are welcome!