opinions about salsa
We can talk about salsa. I have a good source.
I live in Texas.
I can help you seek good salsa
opinions about salsa
@ThatDamnCat I grew up in New Mexico so I think I have pretty reasonable salsa opinions (and I don't actually like a lot of Texas-style salsas). A lot of places don't have good salsa up here in the PNW though.
opinions about salsa
@ThatDamnCat (IMO a lot of texas salsas over-emphasize tomato and tend to be closer to pico de gaillo which is okay but not usually what I'm looking for)
opinions about salsa
@ThatDamnCat (on the other hand, a lot of arizona salsa tends to be a miss for me too -- goes too far in the opposite direction of being a homogeneous heat paste)
opinions about salsa
@ThatDamnCat Having not actually spent a lot of time in Texas, can you get green chile burgers there yet?
opinions about salsa
Of course
Austin has exploded with variety over the last 15 years. I couldn't say about other parts of Texas because I don't spend enough time eating in other Texas cities but Austin has had that for years, and many more choices to boot.