What I'm saying is, "reality" is one big-ass Necker Cube.
@starkatt I can show you where to buy a pendant at least. ;)
@indi Definitely considering it, though wearing jewelry at work is highly discouraged. Where can I get one?
@starkatt Mine is https://www.shapeways.com/product/TJ9YD8YZL/necker-impossible-cube-pendant
(Those are priced at default Shapeways cost, if you're wondering. Not a profit-making venture for me at least)
@indi Pretty affordable in steel, kinda pricey in silver. About what I'd expect from shapeways. I'll definitely consider it :)
@starkatt Yeah I love the silver one but it's one of the priciest things I've ever bought for my body. :)
@starkatt It'd probably make a nice choker if it was strung via the long axis, if that helps with the work jewelry thing!
@indi the work issue is metal conducting electricity and/or being a too-good thermal conductor and causing burns if there's an arc.
@indi Tattoos, on the other hand, become Part Of Me, indelible :)
@indi ofc that's a lot higher-commitment but I'm gonna sit on this idea and see if it keeps feeling resonant.
@starkatt Well, if you were up for a brand instead of a tattoo... :) (Kidding!)
@indi I wish I still had access to jewelry fabrication/casting equipment so I could make a pendant myself :)
...okay I actually kind of seriously want a necker cube tattoo now. @indi