an Objective Reality might exist, but that's not the world we as people actually live in. The universe we experience is built inside our heads, out of mental language and implicit metaphor resulting from eons of evolution.
Our stories and narratives are important. Our metaphors shape our reality. Subjectivity matters.
And, if we want, our reality can be sculpted.
...okay I actually kind of seriously want a necker cube tattoo now. @indi
@starkatt I can show you where to buy a pendant at least. ;)
@starkatt Mine is
(Those are priced at default Shapeways cost, if you're wondering. Not a profit-making venture for me at least)
@starkatt It'd probably make a nice choker if it was strung via the long axis, if that helps with the work jewelry thing!
@indi Tattoos, on the other hand, become Part Of Me, indelible :)
@indi ofc that's a lot higher-commitment but I'm gonna sit on this idea and see if it keeps feeling resonant.