levels of scientific discovery:
- everything is magic
- I can control the fire!
- chemistry is complicated, but I understand it and use it for my benefit
- physics are complex, but I can further civilization by approaching it's understanding
- maths are impossible, but they get us closer to discoveried, maybe?
- everything is magic
My math never got beyond a couple semesters of college calculus so I have no hope of actually understanding these beyond a metaphorical level.
(whether mathematics is also metaphorical is a whole other ball of frighteningness.)
Quantum Field Theory I can at least pretend to understand the metaphor of after a 15-minute youtube video.
Okay so. String Theory. (Which seems to have fallen out of fashion?)
The bumper sticker version is "all matter is made out of tiny vibrating strings" yeah? But like... wtf does that even mean? What is it a vibration in, and what does vibration mean on a quantum scale? It's not at all an illuminating metaphor. And it IS a metaphor, right? Like, the actual physics is only really expressible mathematically?
(lol I didn't notice the edit-induced typo of "an janky-ass" but I think I actually like it better that way)
Anyway your experience of the world is an janky-ass active construct of your brain, not any kind of pass-through feed on "reality".
And that's why I have a necker cube tattoo.
The first half of this video addresses what it means in terms of music i.e. "what's the slowest beat you can headbang to?"
"What is the slowest music humanly possible?" [Adam Neely, 15:53] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afhSDK5DJqA
Saccadic Masking is one of my favorite examples of this. @foone@twitter.com did a fun thread a couple of weeks ago about how eye movements make our subjectivity time travel.
Your perception of Right Now is a rolling time window 2-3 seconds wide, which is pretty dang far from instantaneous. That's wild to me.
"On this side, an Alienware laptop infected with a year of spyware and brimmed with viruses, running Windows 7. On that side, an oscilloscope from the 50s. Between them, an entire history of computing, somehow networked together in a chain.
Make that line wobble. You have one hour."
Moving to @starkatt
I'm a leftist trans gay fox girl. More than one thing can be true at a time. I believe in agency, subjectivity, and beauty.
In my day job, I'm an apprentice electrician.
Please introduce yourself when sending a follow request if we haven't recently chatted. Interacting with me is encouraged even if I don't follow back. I'm here to get to know people, not be a fountain of Content.