meds (PrEP) 

... Well that was easy.

selfie yay

a smile hiding my entire body aching


oh nice job Google

This is ME. ME! This is /so powerfully me/ :D :D :D

I feel so... /seen/. I feel something deep in my watery heart from this. Thank you, :) I can hardly wait to have this hanging on my wall!


selfie, grumpiness 

ugh. I'm oncall today and already in the middle of 2 issues. I would like a Mulligan on the day please?

Shield me from oncall with soft fluffy affection.

date pics (+++, ft. a fox!) 

I had a fucking amazing date with @faeylayn and -oh my gosh-. I'm even more in love with this fox than I was 2 years ago.

I feel so good and pure and loved and _happy_.


more selfie 

heck I feel really cute today ^_^

super cute otter!

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on the move in NYC.


UV tattoos are awful to photograph.

(It's still healing! Only a week old. It'll be invisible soon!)

selfie (+) 

flying back to my dwelling; thankfully I have Leilani here to keep me company! What a good ott. 💜💜💜


one need only look at my mood tracker to realize that moving here is definitely the right thing to do for me

tattoo pics (recent!) 

Results of 8 hours of misery. 💜💜💜


Hi from the otter behind the screen! Hiding behind the laptop 'cause of a dearth of clothes. It's a work from home day for sure.

EEEEEE New bag time! It's so adorable <3 Thank you Seattle Aquarium!

wow even my mood tracker app says I'm a fucking mess

nudity (me), tattoos! 

Yeah... I may as well get in on this too <3 is nice feeling v. sexy.

feel free to sexualize the heck outta me. I love hearing what you want to do to me ~

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