Hey straight up if you're still trying to follow me here, did you even look at my profile? You will all be summarily rejected. I should delete this account so it's not so misleading.

REMINDER: I'm moving this account over to @tastymochafox@vulpine.club. This decision comes from a variety of different inputs, but it mostly boils down to "I'll be happier there". Please consider re-following me over there. :)

I'm moving this account over to @tastymochafox@vulpine.club. This decision comes from a variety of different inputs, but it mostly boils down to "I'll be happier there". Please consider re-following me over there. :)

How many white people does it take to change a light bulb? 

how dare you make this joke, all lightbulbs matter

masto stuff 

i'm looking for a new instance. ideally with a large furry population, politics i agree with, cool and -active- admins, ideally looking for some amount of coding help since i want to exercise my coding skills to help out some cool instances. any suggestions?

My new thing is foxes jumping into snow

"I think I speak for the entire team when I say that we relish the opportunity to be a useful rubber duck."

Postfurry: come for the sexy queer radical animal people stay for the kelp and also the sexy queer radical animal people

LB: ... I had never thought of applying AI to architecture but holy shit that's an incredible idea. I wonder if we'll see major breakthroughs in architecture design driven by AI / ML knowledge in the next 10 years?

feel free to @ me if you know much about the overlap of AI/ML and architecture, I am very interested

When you let #machinelearning evolve a new floor plan for your elementary school
Interesting work by Joel Simon joelsimon.net/evo_floorplans.h


@Oneironott Wanna know something cool? Yesterday you added something to my life - your presence and gentle hanging out in NMS were really nice and happy to be around. You concretely improved my life, and that's definitely more than nothing.

mental health, spirituality, disability, belief, twitter crossposting 

@Oneironott goddesses, yeah... that feeling of having to justify yourself for being spiritual is so pervasive and so unnecessary :/ being marinated in toxic athiesm for years really fucked up my mental health and it doesn't seem to have been nice to you, either.

just remember you don't have to justify your happiness and belief to me or any of our amazing pack, my sweet kin. 💜

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Awoo Space

Awoo.space is a Mastodon instance where members can rely on a team of moderators to help resolve conflict, and limits federation with other instances using a specific access list to minimize abuse.

While mature content is allowed here, we strongly believe in being able to choose to engage with content on your own terms, so please make sure to put mature and potentially sensitive content behind the CW feature with enough description that people know what it's about.

Before signing up, please read our community guidelines. While it's a very broad swath of topics it covers, please do your best! We believe that as long as you're putting forth genuine effort to limit harm you might cause – even if you haven't read the document – you'll be okay!