i'm curious! do you use workspaces (multiple desktops) in your os of choice?

huh! that's a higher ratio using it than i expected

(i wonder how much of that is from how they are a part of the default paradigm of linux desktops?)

@thingywott im on macos rn, so you get a mac os result, but i do gur same on linux/windows, one is colleg work, one is webbrowser/terminal and then gur other is everything else!

(on macos you can kinda trick it into letting you have different backgrounds on each one, which i wish was a fully qualified feature)

@thingywott i find having virtual workspaces that i can't consistently see means they disappear from my working memory and become clutter. same with having too many browser tabs, or even just having many programs open but minimised. i just forget they're there until they get in the way

@cinnamon oh, i feel you with browser tabs. i aggressively close those whenever i can justify doing that

i guess i just developed a habit where each desktop is for a specific thing i wanna hyperfocus on without distractions from anything else i might also have in the works

when i am on one, nothing else exists--i can focus fully with my often-fullscreen windows relating to a single topic without clutter from unrelated things

that clutter belongs on desktop 1 until i decide to split it out

@thingywott i used to use them a lot because there was a tiling wm that did them how i like where each screen shows a different workspace and can be switched independently

then i got tired of fighting with tiling

@codl oh, huh! i didn't even think about how that combines with tiling

i still haven't really touched any tiling wms

@thingywott I use them but only on macOS, both because it's the only OS doing them right and because it's a laptop where it just makes sense

@thingywott that said, I usually just have a desktop and a fullscreen browser

@thingywott side-by-side with an option to put one or two apps fullscreen into a Space. There's side-swipe gestures to switch between them. Also when you open Mission Control you can see your Spaces, rearrange them, move windows between Spaces, move windows into fullscreen/splitscreen mode and move Spaces between screens, and switching Spaces on one monitor doesn't switch them on another support.apple.com/en-us/HT2041

@noiob oh! that does seem pretty handy~

it's definitely true that moving windows between workspaces in some things can be a paaaaain

not sure if i'd use side by side workspaces much though

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