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fanart exists of me, and that means i‽ aaaaAAAAAA!

i used to longboard every now and then, but because i would always push the board, it was actually more exhausting than running

so it was really interesting learning LDP was a thing that existed!

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the skateboarding part was me trying to figure out pumping on a longboard so i don't have to push it all the time

turns out, even if i'm taking my time and practicing movement, longboards are actually a pretty effective means of transportation!

i would be a little more tired if i ran this distance

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abdl art 

oh, i never posted this here, but things are improving for me! so i drew a happy me~

(also yes, i was catching pokemon past midnight--and i also had to choose between catching pokemon and skateboarding, which is also what i was doing)

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huh, turns out there's a "catching pokemon" activity in google maps!

i thought all traces of pokemon were basically out of the app after the april fools thing years ago

anxiety (-); looking for advice 

what do you do when someone is the root of all of your anxieties with a group you want to be a part of, and even though they want you around because of history, you both feel mutually uncomfortable around each other because of these anxieties?

to complicate matters, what if every time you talk to them about these anxieties, it hurts them and you both end up feeling very bad when they react with anger as a result?

is there a way out of this?

i also learned a valuable lesson about how 8-bit layers work in medibang

i found out drawing in the color you set for a layer, if it isn't black, makes it semi transparent--so i accidentally made all my linework transparent initially D:

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(i'm getting faster and better at using this though! even with its limitations ^^)

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i drew this one on a tablet that doesn't have pressure sensitivity, palm rejection, or even any real support for tablet pens. it's also the first time i've used medibang

i must thrive on limitation or something ^^'

hee, i knew i'd probably use that weird pen for things besides mario maker!

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i still can't get over how yamper has a heart butt

that's so cute, aaaaaa

lightly spoily for the level; design talk 

oh yeah, i also liked toying with the different ways you could give the player one-ups, there's a few of them scattered around!

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lightly spoily for the level; design talk 

i put in the concept of high road, low road, where the top is fast and satisfying, and where the bottom is more aesthetic

i also wanted to make sure you couldn't get into situations where you needed to restart the level

it's a pretty long course, but the idea was to maximize the parts of mario that i personally find fun, so i hope you all enjoy it! ^^

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yays! finally finished my mario maker 2 level

you explore snowy foothills, and scale a mountain!


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