hey, people who know stuff about writing transcripts of webcomics and things (mainly for search purposes):
how should you treat instances where a comic has a deliberate typo or misspelling or otherwise unorthodox orthography? do you transcribe it verbatim, or do you interpret it into "normal" words and punctuation that won't trip up e.g. a screenreader or someone doing a search without knowing a precise spelling, or do you do both somehow?
@typhlosion Situationally dependent. Look to closed captions for some inspo. If it’s the same convention throughout the text, a note at the top to explain that the original work has unusual conventions. If it’s simply to convey tone of voice, indicate tone of voice. If it’s pun emphasis, quote marks and perhaps a note in descriptive text. If there’s some other reason, translation and original maybe?
@typhlosion Examples:
CHARACTER: [haggardly] Why is this happening?
CHARACTER: Why is this “hoppening?”
CHARACTER: Why is this happening?
[Original: “wHy iS tHIS hOPPEnINg”]
@casta @typhlosion
CHARACTER: Why is this hoppening [sic, delib]?
@noelle @typhlosion That one isn’t quite as search-friendly, but also an option.
@typhlosion I guess it would depend on how notable the typ is