cell phones. they used to be like _[□:#] and now they be like [:[ ]·]
@noiob sorry, that character doesn't show up on my nokia
@typhlosion i want one that's like
[:[ ]·]
@Hearth saaame
i doubt those will ever be durable as they need to be...
@nautilee @typhlosion we had one back in the day, a motorola droid 2. it felt kinda fragile but it never broke despite being dropped multiple times
Had to get a new phone when it stopped getting updates, not because it broke
we saw more than one fail by the wiring in the joint shorting out. Leaving either the screen side or the keyboard side basically useless depending on which had the actual working hardware in it.
@nautilee @typhlosion yeah, seems like that would be a weak point
they got it to work pretty well with laptops, though. maybe they should use that method (i think it's just some reinforced flat-flex?)
that'd probably work for the hinge type but not the sliding type
@nautilee @typhlosion I feel like you could make it work for the sliding type? but maybe it wouldn't be able to fold up well. we have not actually attempted this, obviously--could definitely be wrong
@typhlosion 📱