@typhlosion no no that's home ownership. Homestuck is a media site about a masked wrestler and a runner that has no arms.
@fillertrack @typhlosion you're thinking of homestar runner. homestuck is another term for homie, but more personal and often used amongst friends of the highest value.
@lunalapin @fillertrack @typhlosion No that's homeslice. Homestuck is a widely discredited form of alternative medicine.
@kaypar @batbeeps @lunalapin @fillertrack nnnnno, i'm pretty sure you're thinking of problem sleuth
@kaypar @batbeeps @lunalapin @fillertrack what god? all i see is a pumpkin
@typhlosion the fucking aposts keep coming and it don't stop, like that other comic by the same author
please, I'm begging you, on this day of all days,
@typhlosion @batbeeps @lunalapin @fillertrack