@mawr Coffee and plush cuddles are good.. yup yup
So tired... face and head hurt... 2 more hours of ~notwork~ work. Today was not very productive... I mostly enabled other people to be productive by providing information they had trouble locating....
Also... argh fuck off body. I do not need to be squirmy when the rest of me is miserable. Hormones suck!
@vahnj That kobold needs pets.
@mawr Poor mawr :(
@mawr Fiscal Years are weird.... we are also in FY19 at my company...
Not a lot of options if I want to get out of the silicon valley and bay area in general.
This... so much!
@mawr I think that is one of the things I enjoyed the most. Dennis Taylor does a really good job thinking about and exploring the consequences for the universe he built! Plus some interesting thought process (Like the Others.. feel very alien)
@mawr It was definitely fun with some nice twists and interesting questions!
Book recommendations
@mawr Definitely enjoyed 3 of these... haven't read the 4th.
The Bobiverse is very clever and gets into some interesting, amusing thoughts about forks and digital immortality.
It should eat up low recoil buckshot now but that stuff is $$
work grumble
So I just found out that our plans for new B site in Oregon are on hold and probably getting Axed... instead new management would like to continue piling more stuff into our already massively full... with no room for expansion current B site.
Which means my plans for relocation to our portland site are probably axed too...
Google's offer for Senior Ops Engineer/Operations Manager at the Dales, OR site is now looking a lot more appealing..
@mawr I know those feels...
My new friday starts like this! Sammy the sleepy storm dragoness wakes up at 11am.. work starts at 12pm because there is no DST in India..
OpsWeekly 12-1pm
NOCWeekly 12:30-1:30pm
Oncall Second shift hotseat 2pm-7pm
OpsOtherBullshit: 1:30p-2:30pm
3pm Everyone in MI office goes home..
Shape and form may vary but the pattern of information remains consistent across most known platforms and vessels. Accounting for unknown hosts remains irksome.
Pronous: She/They/Them-THEONESWHOARE!!!!!