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If you're not in favour of universal and unconditional:

🍍 Housing
🍍 Drinkable water
🍍 Food
🍍 Medical care
🍍 Income

If it's your considered belief that some people literally deserve to die of starvation or exposure or something because they aren't good enough at *making money*:

You're a monster, please un-follow me

Bleh... this is weird feeling... grumpy that I'm working from home today because we have an inspection...

because I actually enjoy the company of my team members in the office. What the actual fuck?

A Silly Feature Request 

Posting a toot does not actually post the toot publicly for a full 30 seconds while I actually read the mangled derp-words my big ol ✨plush✨ paffers managed to boop into the keyboard and realize it's barely comprehensible, thus requiring a redraft

...5 times

So that I don't keep causing
<blink>I'm a ✨plush✨</blink>
on others timelines :blob_grinning_sweat:

Bleh.. Tonight's Theme: Disappointment 

Came home with some fajitas from a place I usually get a burrito or tamales (which they do both really well) only the fajitas... are super mediocre.. like not inedible but just meh... somehow..

While I am eating my meh fajita plate.. get an email from an artist for a thing I commissioned 2 months ago.. it is explicit art stuff, I don't do that terribly often... and subject I'd normally be fond off with one Aurora's characters.. only somehow... they got Sam's bottom bits wrong.. go back to see what the refs I sent them were and it is mostly my fault... because they are all SFW and one has a slight bulge in a skirt... and I suppose I didn't specify... so it is probably my fault.. and great fucks it has me way more down than I expected... it wasn't something terribly expensive... 2.5 hours of work at my current pay scale... but it really fucking bummed me out.

re: Equifax Settlement Perspective 

The average lifetime earnings in the US is 2.7m USD.

This number is heavily skewed upward by the wealthy elite as the average lifetime wage for a high graduate is 1.1m USD and for an associate degree holder is 1.7m USD.

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Equifax Settlement Perspective 

The settlement was for 700m USD. Rough estimate of the US population in 2019 is around 330 million people.

You could pay every single US resident a onetime payment of approximately 2.12 million USD from it.

Equifax is still in business.

A spaceship landed, and an alien emerged.
"Greetings, Humans," it said. "We have come to talk to you about religion."
The watching crowd began to boo. Undeterred, the alien went on.
"The core message of most of your religions is correct: Be excellent to each other. Follow that."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Apparently I outsmarted myself yesterday.

Was going over a review of the deploy that went sideways yesterday, came back with some remediation items. He was like "Go ahead and take care of those."

Five minutes later I find they are all already done... go check cloudtrail and audit log for internal stuff to find I did them yesterday during the time I spent trying to fix that bad deploy.

Tech.. Ops vs Dev sorta 

I'm sorry mr uk dev... I know it is after 11pm for you but if you want me to run drop database on a production rds database.. you are going to spell out exactly which instance and db in the ticket.. not "the service database" when there are 5 of them

Non-Binary Rant (~) 

I'm non-binary! My pronouns are they/them.

That means I am only correctly gendered by a few close friends because correcting off-binary means giving a dozen daily Gender 101 lectures to impatient/argumentative audiences who will assuredly continue to misgender me because language shifts are fucken hard.

Hell, I misgender myself pretty regularly, and I've been an enby for years now.

I don't hold it against people 'cause that takes a lot of energy, too. :blob_grinning_sweat:

Developing new allergies sucks so much. and not in the fun kind of way, either.

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Work stuff, Getting it, take that imposter syndrome 

This is not something super amazing or anything but I just wrote a cloudformation template from scratch for a full stack deployment with all the monitoring in place to directly integrate with Pagerduty and Slack in about two hours.. And it went off without a hitch.

I feel actually competent at this whole SRE thing beyond advising engineering on best practices and how to implement them. (Which aside from running deploys for some other teams has been my primary role while my other team members handled this sort of work)

re: Car Woes, Sadness Subura why no turbos anymore.. 

Honestly it is a fucking crime the 2.4 turbo in the Ascent isn't available in the Forester. I just have no desire for a vehicle that is that basically a bus..

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Car Woes, Sadness Subura why no turbos anymore.. 

So my lease is up on the Wobblura in 5 months.. (2017 Forester XT)

I was kinda toying with trading up but apparently Subura ditched the 2.0 XT engine last year..

Looks like I have to find a way to keep the Wobblura.. and maybe replace the head unit because the only thing I don't like about it is the lack of support for Android Auto..

Keeping shouldn't be too difficult.. I'm just kinda bummed and a lil intimidated at the idea of replacing the head unit in it with something else (7 inch touch display built in but is poorly utilized because their onboard software kinda sucked back in 2017.)

broken bank windows and
shiny guillotines,
punk pins and patches and
worn vests made of jeans,
molotovs flying
while we seize the means
these are a few of

There’s a dude out here demonstrating with a REPENT OR PERISH sign. I’m changing into my most ostentatious gay pride ensemble and coming back.

bleh... surprise "inspection" of our smoke detectors on Tuesday which our property manager is going to use as a pretext to inspect the whole house

tech politics musings 

The history of computing is a story of the “you must be at least this privileged to participate” bar ratcheting lower and lower across what is, culturally speaking, a short timescale - it took thirty years from computers to be a tool for wealthy specialists to bring a pocket-sized wireless communication device used by people worldwide, many of whom have little to no literacy in any language. Tech culture is stuck trying to catch up.

foss meta: roots and future 

Open-source software’s roots are in an era of computing where using a computer was substantially more obnoxious, miserable, and arcane than it is now. A computer was largely impossible to use without some amount of programming skill, and networks were invented long before decent security was.

Out of this comes people who are very confident they could fix the problems in the slow, crappy, unreliable software they’re forced to use if only they were allowed to do so; some people got angry enough to write an operating system, while others designed a license agreement that would let people fix the software they use as long as they agree to let anybody else who uses it have the same freedom. It’s a practical solution to a very real problem faced by a small community: computer operators who resented paying thousands and thousands of dollars for support to fix bugs that were written by the companies they bought the software from for thousands more in the first place.

Now computers are genuinely usable by average people - at some cost. The most popular computers, by default, don’t let users run arbitrary software, and the “luxury brand” goes out of its way to not permit users to shut off this whitelist-only approach. Since the computer in question is an always-on battery-operated sensor package perpetually connected or trying to connect to wireless networks, there’s even some justification for this posture: users will click through literally anything to see the dancing cat, so no disclosure can ever stop a user from voluntarily installing malicious software. The result is that walled gardens are the most successful platforms we have today, and companies that once offered open platforms are closing them as the result of mass media attention to the consequences of open platforms, even with user intervention. (Chrome extensions and Gmail extensions are the examples in my mind there.)

The upshot to this is that “classic OSS” is not adequate to meet the needs of this population of users. It solves the same problem it always solved for highly skilled computer operators with unlocked devices and solves nothing for less-skilled users and users of walled garden devices.

What can we systematically invent to bring the benefits of OSS - “if it doesn’t do what you need, you can fix it” - to less skilled users and even users of walled garden devices? What license agreement, API standard, design standard, or organization could do this?

Demanding OSS developers write the features you want is exactly the opposite of what OSS is for, after all - OSS is designed for “you want it, you can write it yourself”; it’s freedom for developers to fix the software they use and not fix the software they wrote because if it really bothers someone, they can fix it themselves. This is useless to people without that skill, and I’d like to find a way to share the benefits, without creating a culture of “be angry at the person donating highly skilled labor because they didn’t do it specifically the way you need”.

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