"Wait, wait," the knight said.
He studied the maiden in front of him. "You're a dragon?"
"I'm a shapeshifter." They shrugged, and took the shape of a dragon.
"But, what were you born to be?"
"What a strange question. I was born to be me. No more, no less."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
things I am fast and decisive on: technical and business decisions for an extremely high-profile product in a global megacorporation, where I am personally responsible for what we decide to eventually deploy to a sizable fraction of the population of the planet
things I agonize over indecisively for an extended period of time and get very anxious about: lunch
holy shit check out this beautiful cloud of dust around a triple-star system, trying to imagine what those skies would do to a sentient creature born on a planet in there is pretty crazy
like, motie or krikkiter levels of different attitudes about the rest of the universe
re: Work rant
Also... somehow two separate sales folk asked if HR would help them commit UI benefit fraud while the corporate general council was in the meeting..
Work rant
Grrr... HR fucked up and was totally unprepared for this clusterfuck of forced 2 weeks unpaid vacation... with 3 weeks until CARES ends.
Thanks a lot asshats. Especially for the misinformation about being able to claim CARES and take 1 day off a week for the remaining days in july and then coming back after the weekend and admitting you were wrong and salaried employees must take a full week, Sunday-Saturday off to make an unemployment claim.
The worst part is, if this bullshit was announced or decided on even a month ago.. things would have been dramatically easier instead of having every single fucking salaried employee in the US scrambling to fit 2 weeks of unpaid vacation in the next 3 weeks because CARES covers a good chunk of the salary reduction.. Like for me... CARES covers 1/3rd of my missing income from having to do it.
Also... extra fuck you HR because some people will literally not be able to afford to take the 2 weeks off... straight, claim UI+CARES then wait... 8-12 weeks for the benefits to actually arrive.
Amazon VP Tim Bray Resigns, Calls Company "Chickenshit" for Firing Protesting Workers
> In his resignation letter, Bray said that “firing whistleblowers isn’t just a side-effect of macroeconomic forces, nor is it intrinsic to the function of free markets. It’s evidence of a vein of toxicity running through the company culture. I choose neither to serve nor drink that poison.”
Fuck YEAH!
A piece for @kelseyhusky !!! Several times while making this I thought "well hrm this seems like an excessive amount of hydras" but the hydras are losing so clearly it's not enough
KosMediaPicks, Webcomic, Science Fantasy, Very dark at times
Ava's got a problem.
The demon in her head just won't let her live her life of.... well, let's be honest. Being a dystopian orphan. Instead she gets wrapped up in plans far too large for her to handle.
This comic is BEAUTIFUL and dark and it hurts that it's not been updated lately.
Every page is a panel, the pacing and composition flowing so perfectly with the narrative.
What should financial loss documentation include?
• Date of income loss
• Duration of income loss
• Type of income lost (job/gig/charity/etc--- homeless folks could cite a lack of panhandling clients, even!)
• Cause of income loss (cancelled shift/appointment/laid off/quarantine reduced client base/etc)
• Amount of income lost (estimate if you can't put an exact number on it. Tips included here!)
• Photo evidence where possible (schedules vs paystubs, etc.)
The voice comes from behind me. I turn around, and there is nothing there. Literally nothing.
"It's me, the Void."
"Hi," I say.
"Are you okay? Only, you haven't come to scream for a while."
I gesture helplessly.
"I know," the Void says. "But if you need me..."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
It's kind of fantastic that the most well-spoken and best made point on the subject of governance in all of Monty Python's production history would from an anarcho-syndicalist peasant responding in irritation to a king.
The witch glared at the spellbook.
"Fresh virgin blood," she muttered. "That's a stupid ingredient."
"Can't you use your own?" her raven asked.
"Depends on whether the author meant 'Never had sex' or 'Never had sex with a man'."
"Did a man write the spell?"
"Hah! Good question."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
Shape and form may vary but the pattern of information remains consistent across most known platforms and vessels. Accounting for unknown hosts remains irksome.
Pronous: She/They/Them-THEONESWHOARE!!!!!