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My brain hurts... and I would like to turn it off though..

Also... and then my coworker had forgotten to put my keys on a bastion host... and the devs that built the templates for got to add security group rules to allow any access to the dbs... for things like first time configuration.

So much fun but I learned the things... and fixed the things.. and made better documentation for the process and future...

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Today... a dragon sent out to deploy two sets of static infrastructure stacks with some fairly completed aurora rsd mysql stuff...

That was 12 hours ago... and one stack is deployed but the databases still need to be built. So... many weird things went wrong... and ughskdfjdf mysql is very weird about allowed password characters... and I WAS BETRAYED BY PASSWORD GENERATORS TWICE!

On the upside... $3/lb is hard to beat for tri-tip... I might have bought 13lbs of it and plan on freezing the second pair of cuts..

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Hnggg... I'm fairly certain that the butcher at safeway saw how fatty those cuts of tri-tip were and went "Aww hella naw... we'll just sell them untrimmed at a discount and call it our memorial day sale" I just trimmed around 2.3lbs of fat off a pair of them @.@ my hands hurt

gripes, daily, maybe I should get a real alarm clock.. 

Bleh... my whole day feels off because my phone decided it was update time while I was sleeping... and I woke up 45 minutes late... 15 minutes after my daily standup...

Wobblura is in the shop... various home relationship things are mess because of someone having relationship issues with their other partner and I can't help them... shit just sucks today.. and having a 4 day weekend didn't seem to help.

re: Drug refs, cult bashing 

@kelseyhusky @Kyresti and damnit it’s 2019 in Seattle and a “Foundation for Better Life” ain’t even insect spirits, I FEEL CHEATED!

Holy fuck.. updated my Linkedin with new position and akdjfdjfdjfd so much recruiter spam. Now if only SRE things didn't mean pick your flavor of horrible mega-corp dick to suck.

Gonna start a go-fund-me to buy a billboard on Lake City Way so I can put "Trans Rights are Human Rights" in front of everyone commuting south to Seattle every day for a month


So, I was given a 200$ budget to get some new clothes, cause i've been working on shedding some operational mass.

I spend 100 on actual clothes. And then I decided to get brave and a little wild.

bleeeeeeh..... my phone crashed while I as asleep... and so I overslept by like 2.5 hours :(

Work Rant 

"Hey guys... can we like avoid repeating the clusterfuck that is our elventeen billion.. AWS accounts when we start moving over to Azure by having like sensible, enforceable, already in place multi-tenant plan before everyone starts moving things over? Look we can even set up things with Azure Policy to avoid cost over runs and dumb things from happening.."


Oh and nobody is bothering to put anything into CloudHealth even though it is requirement... and IT hasn't even set up CloudHealth integration yet... because they own it... well.. it is busted as fuck!

Oh.. oh and you are the first ops team to ask for access and we have like no account creation policy in place or anything how people are supposed to request access.. so it has been bounced around a week and my team still has no accounts...
But hey... we have to have one of the services we support spun up and running in Azure by the end of June to meet our enterprise contract reqs with M$ :D :D :D

I'm sure this will go great and totally not turn into a huge cost overrun clusterfuck.

So apparently I'm Terraforming all the things...

because they used CloudFormation before and now we are being forced to support services in Azure and various engineering teams would like to shift things to Terraform because we can use it for containerized things in both public clouds..

Look.. this feels wrong, since we do Storm Dragons do Terraforming?! I guess Hurricanes or Cyclones could count...

Badly explain your fursona 

A dragon, most of the time, that decided the universe was too big for just one of her to exist. Except not all of them agreed on what to be. So some are dragons, some are von numen probes, some are overly friendly almost smatter and one is 100% reality warping trouble.

LOL and then I took down a service because I was following the docs provided for deployment..

Only for some reason Step 2 should have been the last step. :X So I took down the live ECS cluster before I sparked up the new cluster. :D

re: HR, Work Vent, 

In summary.. FUCK HR.. I'm working for one month at 15% lower than what I should be because they could not be assed to do their jobs in timely fashion.

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HR, Work Vent, 

So yesterday I got had a sit down with my soon to be manager and his boss because HR fucked up my transition massively.

At this point I've been on my new team for a week doing training stuff and taking on deployments and stuff but now my pay raise, position title change and reporting structure doesn't become office until June 1st. No back pay.. why? HR forgot about me then the person managing all that for my new org quit.. and two weeks before my transition date a new person was hired who knew nothing about and thus was shocked when hiring manager for my new role was like "So Sam starts in two weeks, are we good with everything for this transfer and role change?"

In our cloud ops we have two separate organizations that break down into various teams.
Infrastructure Ops which primary deals with physical stuff, our private cloud side and Product Ops which primarily deals with our Public Cloud stuff.

So on May 6th I transferred from Ops-Eng (combination of NOC, traditional datacenter ops/site ops and sys-admin) on the Infra-Ops side to ProductOps (AWS mircoservices architecture team now also soon to be supporting Azure as well..)

The ProductOps manager filed all my transition paperwork with HR back in Feb of this year, a week before my new team leader approached me to gauge my interest in moving teams. (I'd been one of the original founding members of Ops-Eng, Lead Engineer on it for almost two years and plateaued pretty hard in terms of advancement without changing teams but because I worked 2nd shift and most of Infra-Ops was on the east coast while I was on the West Coast it made getting experience with other teams I could potentially move to all but impossible)

Obviously I said yes because moving into an SRE role is pretty much the only path of advancement left unless I wanted to move into a management role. (Honestly, I like getting work done.. not sitting through meetings)

So things become official in the since that my transfer is happening but we don't have a date yet because backfills neat to happen and HR/Finance still have to approve everything and Ops-Eng has to find someone to work 2nd shift etc. This happens at the beginning of April.

Mid-April we have worked out deadlines for everything (so I stop taking on projects, focus on wrapping up everything I'm working on in order for me to start new role on May 6th).

So May 6th roles around. I show up in the office (gasp from local ops guys because I wfh a lot while on Ops-Eng because my entire team was remote. I sit with my new team)

And nothing from HR.

A week passes.. nothing from HR.

Yesterday I went to request some pto to find I can't.. because I have no supervisor to approve it in our tracking system.

so we contact HR and surprise they still haven't finished filing my anything.

Despite pressure from my former boss (who is waiting on a backfill req to be approved for me.. a week after I left his team) and my current team leader and his manager.
Finally HR relents and files everything to become official but because Wed is payday.. guess what.. the earliest my promotion etc becomes official is June 1st and no finance will not let them back date it or back pay me.

Bleh... just starting to wrap my head around AWS and get comfortable with admin tasks in it and now it is time to pick up Azure... because M$ is courting out execs.. and one of the dev teams my new team supports got a mandate to refactor and deploy their new service in Azure by the end of July.

Bleh... so far.. there is one thing I like about Azure. Both the training portal and actual portal have DARK MODE. AMAZON PLEASE DO THIS I"M SICK OF WHITE AND ORANGE-YELLOW!

I used to hear all the time about how companies were good things, about how CEO's should be respected for running their companies and managing their people ethically. I used to think that anyone who didn't would get kicked out by all the other ethical people on "The Board" or "The Union" Like "The Board" was some sort of magical disciplinary tool to punish greedy people for damaging the company's reputation.

And it has taken my a long time to get used to being disappointed time and time again.

re: Postfurry is dead; long live postfurry. 

Yeah, that's a healthy way of looking at it tbh.

Postfurry is not, never was and never will be the safe space it's all-too-often advertised as, but it is definitely a very cool collection of people with a lot of really neat ideas. It's a great space to spend time in but a terrible place to build a home.

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