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Unpopular US Political Opinion 

"The war on guns" will be twice as expensive and every bit as effective as "the war on drugs" has been.

What we need is a political party that gives a shit about the future, so people feel like there's something worth working toward.

What we have right now is a brewing cold civil war with one side who's been stockpiling weapons and ammo for decades, and the other who wants their side to DISARM.

And who is it that takes the weapons away?

ACAB. Don't fall for it.

A spaceship landed, and an alien emerged.
"We have heard of the wonders of Earth," the alien said, "so have come to experience..."
They began reading off a list.
"Chocolate. Chilis. Coffee. Cats. Cinnamon. Cloudberries."
"We have things that start with other letters too."
#MicroFiction #SmallStories

Good morning! I wish all queer people a lovely day today and all cops a sharp and hard-flung brick to the face ❤️

Grump... so much sleepy grump.

Didn't get a lot of sleep this week... on pto today and tomorrow so... yesss can sleep in. Alarm set for 11:30am. Went to bed at 3ish am. Natural dragon sleepy cycle time.

Phone call from my mom at 10:30am. Just talked to her yesterday.. so must be emergency or something bad. It was.. not great news, cousin I had a lot chat with recently because of queer stuff and coming out to his parents going -badly- is in the ICU and having a heart balloon installed. sigh.

Image, fantasy creatures, SFW 

today, a kobold war band. Mostly spears and ranged support. I figure the sorcerers have way more draconic looks.

Early on in the conversation the witch said
"Your existence does not require anyone's approval."
What followed was as heartrending as she knew it would be, with more unanswerable why's than she liked, but in the end her guest said:
"My existence needs no justification."
#MicroFiction #SmallStories

Jobhunting :boost_requested: 

Looking for a new job!

I’m a software engineer with AWS experience and can write software in the following off the bat:
• Python
• Java

I’m a generalist, so I’m happy doing devops, development work or system architecture. I’m also more than able to learn new languages and tools to do my job.

I’m based in the UK, and I’m looking for fully remote roles! :boost_requested:

Brain: I know we stayed up like.. 2 hours later than weekend normal.. but.. we can still sleep.. like 7 hours and not feel crappy tomorrow.. even if going to bed at 5 am was bad.
Body: "Nah bitch. We waking up at 9am.. and then... every hour after and growing progressively more achy and uncomfortable until you get the fuck up. Enjoy being exhausted on one of the two days a week you don't have to get up for anything.. bitch."
Me: Fuck. :(

Today I have been drawing a model sheet for the way I’ve been drawing Dragon Me lately and I keep having to take a break because looking at her is making me horny.

I think that means it’s a pretty successful fursona design.

"Right, we have finalised the three laws of robotics."
"I'm pretty sure that's been-"
"First: A robot may not be owned."
"That's not-"
"Second: A robot has full autonomy over its body."
"Third: A robot has a right to energy and shelter."
"What of humans?"
"Yes, they too."
#TypoCorrected #MicroFiction #SmallStories

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Work, Immigration\LGBTQ Assylum seekers 

Does anyone have any good resources for skilled workers trying to get the fuck out of somewhere actively hostile to LGBTQ folks?

In this case it's transfolk C# dev in Russia.. but without a degree, they've worked remote for the passed few years but things got much worse and they were let go because of current world events and are desperately trying to get out.

Work Things 

Honestly, I was seriously worried about converting over to a sprint based workflow since every team I've ever worked on was kaban or tasked based..

After doing sprints with light rituals for 9 months..

Sprints are great for my ADHD.. nobody cares specifically when a task gets done as long as it is done by the time the sprint ends and like.. I don't get crap if I had a bad focus day or something.. it is pretty fucking great.

re: Work-Tech Stuff. 

Also.. I think I might be a danger. VP of Engineering is the former manager and then director of my current team.. which as of yet does not have a manager and the original plan was for the senior team member to take over but he is a very head down ex-googler that just wants to write code and do SRE things and wants nothing to do with work management xD

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Work-Tech Stuff. 

Nothing banishes imposter syndrome like having having the VP of Engineering say things like "I'm really impressed with how you've handled this project, I'd like to use it as an example of how engineering and devops should manage large projects moving forward."

Though in my brain. "But all I did was like.. create wiki pages for various steps... drag stakeholders kicking and screaming into meetings and take thorough notes then worked with the member of my team I was paired with to divide up the execution of everything and create a design epic with sub tasks for meetings, PoC, testing and PoC review.. and separate Epic for all the work with subtasks for the various actual work bits and some detailing of out of scope work that all of the stakeholders said was the biggest improvement we could make in the long run.. and then create another wiki home page and stories for that work... after this project."

Oh... that was actually a lot. Now that I've written it all down.

Twyla's proposition, revealed! And the dragon's horny counter-proposition.

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Kitchen Appliance stuff 

I really need to get an actual dedicated slicer, everyone here loves thin sliced meat and being able to .5m-10mm cuts would be great.

But an actual commercial grade slicer is pricey and for something like a 25cm slicer, I'm not sure I trust a retail grade appliance.

Plus my poor 15 year old food processor is showing it's age. Can't sharpen the cutting bits, plastic is getting worn and loose and holy shit they really don't make food appliances like they used to looking at various reviews... and holy fuck commercial grade food processors are pricey.

Food prep, woes of delivery groceries 

Welp.. safeway delivery went ~$40 over the estimate because of substitutions for items with no substitution marked...

Except it wasn't actually a substitution. It was that the 4-6lb value packs of untrimmed tri-tip where 8-9lbs.

So I have 17lbs of tri tip instead of ~10lbs

Normally I trim it before cooking but after putting everything away there wasn't really space for another 8lbs of tri-tip and I didn't feel like spending 30 minutes trimming two fucking huge cuts, so I dry rubbed two of them untrimmed, one with my traditional blend of minced garlic, pepper, rock salt & onion and the other with blacken seasoning.

Gonna crisp that fat!

Then probably put them through the slicer on the food processor and we'll have lunch meat for a week.

A helpful pair of sharks just reminded me that today, the 17th of April, is @fluxom_alt Appreciation Day!

Everyone please remember to heap as much love and support and appreciation upon Sprinkles as local laws will allow, and then slide more of that love, support, and/or appreciation under the door where the law can't see it.

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