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Long story short I spent a lot of time and effort fixing a cobbler box... tftp was working fine but any pxeboot attempt failed.

Devs responsible for configuring cobbler kept blaming it on networking.. finally I go rooting around and every boot attempt is failing on read request for pxelinux.0... enable bulk transfers and suddenly it works! :D

More evidence to pile of "I don't trust this dev team"

And fucking remote hands pulled a random drive out the system above the one I instructed them to replace a drive in today.. thanks guys.. read the damn labels..


It sucks... and maybe you weren't to blame but it was a joint effort and now you are left with something that you aren't happy with, it will probably never see the light of day, can't really be fixed and it's a crappy feeling.

And you go back to not commissioning art again... or maybe just not new things because they are hard and a risk.

Now I guess I need to write a few thousand characters of something positive to offset this.

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The result doesn't look anything like what you intended, at all. But what can you do? You paid up front. The money isn't really the issue.

It takes to make something like that... so did you screw up? Did you not communicate clearly? What happened?

Here is the worst part. At the start you were excited.. and now it is the worst kind of disappointment.. because you blame yourself. Maybe you weren't clear, maybe your communication was inadequate, maybe not but you can't say that.

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Aurora offered to help found someone.. and sure two page of overly expressive prose might be too much but really you are trying to put this piece of yourself out there and you want t get it right? All of got are words since i can just pluck an image from my brain and say "Like that!"

So someone says, "Well can you make it shorter" and you do.. still keeping the key parts you hope..

But them here is the part that makes me get so gunshy about commissions..

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So like I've had some really amazing stuff commissioned in the past and gifted to me. Things that made my jaw drop or literally all I could thing of was "NAILED IT!!!"

That is awesome. I love that feeling.

And SAM makes it pretty easy, I have a decent amount of stuff of her over the years to reference though never actually a reference sheet. Some of you probably I've had a new shape rolling around in my head for a bit. But I'm always so wary and almost scared to commission art of new..

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I hate this feeling. It's stupid but at the same time I want to talk about it because it's grinding right now and feels like it won't go away until I get it out somewhere.

Commissioning art is hard for me, like nearly anxiety inducing. It's why I don't do it very often. It's time consuming (or at least it can be) stressful because you are putting a thing that is in your head out there and trying to express it in a manner so someone else can translate it into a visual something....

I am sad.. 

It's that feeling when you devour a 600 page book you've been looking forward to for months.. in 2 days.

And it was really good but also ended up with "That just leaves further questions?!"

hmmm, I can provide an illustrated guide for future reference; but for now: 


Guide To Awoo

1) Consult your pineal gland if it is time to awoo

3) pineal glad will respond that its always time to awoo

4) throw head back gently

5) open mouth wide

6) take a deep breath

7) let the mysterious energies of "gay", "furry", "commie", and the ancient forests consume your essence briefly

8) let out an AWOOO!!!!

Congrats you did an awoo!

Bonus: What happened to step 2?

work nonsense 

Oh hey an entire subnet is not reachable that is not good...


Today apparently starts with me driving to a datacenter to move a single cable 5cm to the right because people fail at communication.

Meeting 2 hours before I normally wake up... graaaah so tired now that it is over.

Argh... this is the second time someone has screwed up flipping oncall rotations and accidentally paged me during sleepy times.

Y'know I've been thinking a lot-- a plush mawr is probably about 7' tall.

If I made a half sized plush mawr... ¿Por que no kobold? :D

Thanks for the feedback, frens! <3

This is the final design- just sent it off to Sticker Guy to get 500 of 'em printed up. ^^


Let's be honest, they are really minion sized dragons.

Or you know brain... you could not thing on work things. Day dreaming is not helpful even if it is fun and far more interesting. Plus... there are dragons there.

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