planned obsolescence 

haha my laptop from 2016 is already too old to be updated to the latest macos and is also absolutely struggling to keep up with xcode and the iphone simulator 🙃​

re: planned obsolescence 

i thought it might be nice to contribute to metatext since i started using it on my phone and it has a bunch of outstanding issues

but it looks like if i want to do that i might need a new computer -_-

re: planned obsolescence 

ok, it seems to have stabilized at a usable speed for now? maybe i can do this without impulse buying anything


open source contribution, mh-?, re: planned obsolescence 

and besides, by now i've managed to completely forget what it was that i wanted to fix anyway (and everything on the github looks too difficult because i haven't done ios dev in years)

re: open source contribution, mh-?, re: planned obsolescence 

first pr sent lol (modifies exactly one line of code)

re: open source contribution, mh-?, re: planned obsolescence 

wow my laptop is dying from trying to run the ui designer

re: open source contribution, mh-?, re: planned obsolescence 

aaaaaand it froze completely

re: open source contribution, mh-?, re: planned obsolescence 


re: open source contribution, mh-?, re: planned obsolescence 

despite the difficulties i managed to code a feature (that i mimicked from glitch-soc, which uses) including copying over the translations that glitch-soc already had! time to do a final test and write a pr

re: open source contribution, mh-?, re: planned obsolescence 

@wolfgang one line prs were always my favorite as a maintainer. so much easier to review and merge than big complex ones

re: open source contribution, mh-?, re: planned obsolescence 

@else yeah but you never know what far reaching consequences this one tiny domino might have🙃

re: open source contribution, mh-?, re: planned obsolescence 

@else or maybe i actually missed some huge glaring problem that's the actual real reason this issue is still outstanding! 🤡

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