uspol, genderpol, wounded masculinity
Had an ad from Bonobos' #evolvethedefinition campaign come up at random on Youtube. It was a series of short testimonies from men about how the definition of "masculinity" failed to describe them. Loved it, checked the comments, was saddened but not astonished to find out they had been ransacked by the "Did You Just Assume My Gender LOL" crowd, ranting about soyboys and Cultural Marxist subversion.
uspol, genderpol, wounded masculinity
I also had a lot of fun pointing out to these people, "so, what you're saying is, gender isn't necessarily tied to genetics, right? Because otherwise, all that it would take to be masculine is having a Y chromosome."
I anticipate exactly zero head explosions from this observation. They have people like Jordan "Lobster" Peterson, who make their living by taking people's house of gender cards and applying krazy glue-- with extra krazy.
But it's still fun.
uspol, genderpol, wounded masculinity
@zebratron2084 ... mmm, am I ever glad such fragile notions of masculinity are completely alien to me too.
uspol, genderpol, wounded masculinity
Throw some glitter on the Kiwis!
uspol, genderpol, wounded masculinity
@zebratron2084 interesting metaphor, because applying Krazy glue to paper is not a good idea. Causes it to heat up, sometimes burn.
uspol, genderpol, wounded masculinity
Oh FFS, now the Reddit crowd is up in arms over New Zealand changing its "Linemen" signs to read "Line Crew." They're trying to argue that the change is *factually* incorrect because... well, because they don't understand what a "linguistic convention" is, but also because they insist that the suffix "-man" is a totally gender neutral abbreviation for "human." Any contrary opinion is just soyboy liberal revisionist nonsense.