re: mood (+-+-+-), mild to moderate bojacking
In short, this is a really frustrating city to try to be depressive and self-hatey in. I'm expecting a goddamn parade to come along any minute. -__-
re: mood (+-+-+-), mild to moderate bojacking
@kelseyhusky I know, I know, I genuinely kinda feel terrible about it, and DEFINITELY do not expect much sympathy given the winter I've heard you've had up north... but it's actually been a pretty rough month and I'll take whatever I can get right now. :(
I genuinely hope you folks get back into spring mode ASAP... n.n;; Seattle winters are rough, I haven't forgotten. Make sure you're getting enough Vitamin D.
re: mood (+-+-+-), mild to moderate bojacking
@zebratron2084 If it would make you feel better, I could bring my tiny violin and play for you.