drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

I also finally connected with our dealer and got a batch of something nice and dreamy. Between this and a few days of tolerance break, I ended up having a really nice introspective session on the trolley ride to the parades.

Mostly, it finally occurred to me that some of the stuff we were doing at Transliminal and its predecessors was the emotional equivalent of cave diving: exhiliarating, rare, stressful, dangerous as shit, and not really a hobby for people interested in getting old-- something I am intensely interested in most days, despite the world's best efforts.

It's amazing I ever went that deep with ANYONE. It was a precious and truly unique time. If there's one thing I learned from Ghost Dog, it's that you should never dwell in the Spirit of an Age longer than you have to. We were fools. We were right to try doing it, but what we were doing was not sustainable at the levels of merely human emotional savvy we were working with. Leave it to less wretched beings, like the gods and plushies.

It's amazing that it ever happened, but it's probably a great and protective mercy that it ended, and the alternate universe where it didn't is probably even sadder. I got a lot of comfort out of this realization. *zen tigress*

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@zebratron2084 also do you know how many points you score for remembering Ghost Dog?

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@Leucrotta Honey, I love Ghost Dog-- and Raymond, and Pearline -- like family. 😔​


re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@Leucrotta (And Ghost Dog does strike me as the sort of film you would really get behind, which is very strongly related to the reasons I like you. <3 )

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@Leucrotta I am in the mood for a good solid cry so I might have a go at another viewing this weekend.

Shit, almost half-tempted to arrange a group viewing? Anybody else out there see this who might be into it?

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@zebratron2084 How do you figure on watching it? I know people've talked about sharing stuff over Discord etc.

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@Leucrotta I haven't the faintest notion, at this point you might as well be asking Grandpa Simpson I have lost touch with current tech so bad -- i am wide open to suggestions or will do a little research if folks really do wanna do this

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@zebratron2084 @Leucrotta

Hyperbeam is the new hotness. But Discord is popular, too. Sometimes I stream the movies on my picarto.tv.

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@xinjinmeng @Leucrotta Thanks, that's really helpful!

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@eredien @Leucrotta It's Jim Jarmusch's take on a crime drama. Forrest Whitaker is an eccentric hitman who believes himself to be a modern-day samurai. The best parts of the film have NOTHING to do with guns, crime, assassinations, or the Mafia...

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@zebratron2084 @Leucrotta This sounds amazing. Did you organize a watch yet?

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@eredien @Leucrotta Nah, been too distracted with health and cat crisis. :)

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@zebratron2084 @Leucrotta

Would be interested if you get a viewing going.

re: drugs, insights, dangerous sports, The Thing 

@zebratron2084 Jarmusch films, what few I've seen, have the really weird thing where they're not *the* perfect films for me - there's something about the way the unhappy ending works that's dissatisfying more than tragic? - but they're like 80% of the way there, where most movies I enjoy are 60-70% the perfect movie for me. So I'll remember them about as well as stuff I *really* liked, like Kagemusha or Ran.

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