In a good mood. Thanks, Pepes! :D
And thanks everybody else. Life is temporarily wrecked; love is almost completely intact. And anyone who knows me well knows I'd MUCH rather have it that way than the reverse.
I've got a FUCKING DRAGON of awesome powers for a(n ex-) girlfriend (with benefits), I've got loving sisters who did their best to take their wellness AND mine into hand, I've got so many friends who like me and will tolerate my Old Pony Rears At Clouds moments...
@zebratron2084 Those clouds though these days, sometimes they are just so, you know?
Err, and I also have most of a quarter of really good weed waiting for me. All I have to do is wait out this cultural wasteland-- which is at least giving me a week-long tolerance break, no expenses, really good free food for a land WHERE THERE ARE NO FUCKING JALAPEÑOS WHAT THE FUCK, and the very important reassurance that my mom and stepdad are gonna be okay for the moment.
Most of the remaining damage is to self-esteem, and y'all have a great history of boosting that in me.