@CoronaCoreanici Plume lets you set highlights for accounts so you could shade the posts according to the account when you combined them in a tab. Very nice feature, but they don't support mastodon.
@CoronaCoreanici Damn. Still seems very good though.
@CoronaCoreanici How? It doesn't seem to give the 'activated accounts' option for that tab type.
@CoronaCoreanici Is there a way to have a like tab with likes from both accounts? Plume was good at that for Twitter.
@Felthry Cool beans. Will give it a shot. :)
@CoronaCoreanici Thanks! Will try that out and see!
re: Anxiety, travel, caps
At least the panic on that should start settling down by the second day of the trip?
re: food, nudity
@rey I feel you, but you should go and take care of yourself. You'll be happy you did, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. <3
@Veladynee It's all good. <3
@Dragon_Manual I have the poster of that one above the monitor I'm replying to this on. :D
@Veladynee Anyways, only reason I still have an account at all is that I have some friends who haven't left yet that I'm unwilling to completely disconnect from. :(
@Veladynee And they've doubled down on other stuff like trends and sticking random shit in your mentions. I think they may have messed with the timeline order too, but I'm not sure.
@Veladynee Uh, let's just say if you appreciate information density, the new interface is not your friend.
My goal as a writer: To wound you so deeply that you start to heal things you didn't even know were broken.