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Okay, laptop going in backpack as part of travel prep. Responses may be slow, as I'm about to be on a plane to Dublin. :)

Just so you know, I love you all, but you fail at DMs. :P

re: AD account 

Just to be clear, there's nothing much there yet, also. :P

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AD account 

Finally gave in and moved my AD account over to mastodon. It's pretty well locked down, because it's going to be where I'm at my most vulnerable, but if you want it, DM me.

Well, I gotta be honest, if twitter wasn't kinda dead to me before, the latest UI changes have made it basically unusable.

uspol: unpopular opinions re: USDA move 

so, USDA headquarters is moving to Kansas City (they're not sure which Kansas City yet, just one of them) and firing 2/3 of their researchers along the way. I think this is a good idea and genuinely necessary; the loss of research careers is an unfortunate but unavoidable cost because that happens whenever an HQ moves.

Washington DC is a terrible spot for the center of agricultural policy in the United States. It is not geographically or culturally near where agriculture mostly happens in the United States, and it has completely unrelated weather patterns.

I want the USDA right in the fucking middle of climate change. I want them right where crops are being ruined by year after year of extreme weather - droughts followed by mass flooding, mostly down the Mississippi river. Well, this gives the USDA a front row seat to the chronic flooding of the Mississippi River to levels thought of as something that would happen "once every 500 years", three times in the last decade. This gives the USDA a front row seat to droughts destroying the wheat crop. This gives the USDA a front row seat to seasons of rain that turn fields into swamps and make planting impossible. These are things they should have a front row seat to.

This puts the USDA somewhere geographically closer to the majority of agricultural work in the United States. It puts them closer to the best agricultural colleges and universities in the United States - real STEM degrees that are just too blue collar to take seriously on the coasts.

Mostly I'm pissed off at seeing an attempt to put some part of the Federal government in the region I grew up in taken to be unavoidably part of an evil plot to destroy science. No, that's not plausible; it is going to create science careers in an impoverished part of the nation where no such careers can easily be had, but there's an awful lot of on-the-ground experience and people trained for those careers. The "Brain drain" people are afraid of from losing people already working at USDA headquarters? That's already happened, much worse than could ever happen by moving the USDA, by keeping agricultural policy away from agricultural parts of the nation. It ensures that people who know what they're doing can't create a voting bloc or strong opinion in the Midwest, taking a bunch of trained scientists out of swing states.

Let "flyover country" have its say in part of the government. Putting the USDA in Washington D.C. is a historical accident; there's never a "good time" to move it but the move seems clearly warranted to me. Make the USDA live in the middle of where their policies land and their policies will improve because they get to see the results of their policies through some lens other than media and lobbyists.

Moving the USDA out of D.C. weakens the power of agricultural lobbying because it moves the USDA closer to real agriculture and farther away from Lobbyist Central. D.C. is not a real place, it's a drug-fueled collective hallucination created primarily by lobbyists, and decentralizing our bizarrely concentrated Federal government can only help.


Bedtime Story


Don't read that before you sleep.
You'll spoil your dreams.



If you can see this, I want you to know that at least one person is hoping the best for you, no matter what your going through, I’m choosing to believe that better things are coming. Stay shiny, friends.

re: MH (-, sui mention) 

So, the cycle I seem to keep hitting is this:

1. Mess up on meds at some point. (I just forget doses sometimes.)
2. My anxiety crashes get extra bad, because unstable meds.
3. Unable to work / deal with life in general.
4. Feel terrible that useless and never good enough and obsessively worry that my boss isn't /really/ telling me what he thinks (that I'm a terrible employee and am going to end up fired).
5. Crash hard enough from #2-4, esp resulting overwork from #4 that I mess up my sleep schedule and end up missing medication doses.

I at least know the problem, but stabilizing and getting out of this loop long term is brutally difficult.

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re: MH (-, sui mention) 

Little more stable at the moment, going to try to nap. Will respond individually later, but thank you all so much for reaching out. >.<

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MH (-, sui mention) 

I seriously want to stop right now. Just... not be. I'm hurting too much, I'm crying too much, and I wish I could be just a little less broken, and that day never really comes. >.<

Regarding last boost, I'm not autistic, but I hurt the same way described in that article. Never good enough, never ever able to be worth anything. Push myself way too hard in response, and wreck myself in the process. >.<

A spaceship landed, and an alien emerged.
"Greetings," it said, "um. We apologise for abducting your leader. We did not notice her coming aboard when we were here last week."
A cat emerged from the spaceship and sat down to clean her paws.
"Here she is," the alien said.
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Felt like absolute trash the last couple days, and I really don't know why. Slept like 16 hours last night, and a lot the night before and I do not know what's happening to me at the moment. >.<

Finally, there’s YOU! And we believe in you, no matter what!

#NewComic #dragons
Retweets much appreciated! ❤️

Laptop Recommendations? 

Thinking about a new work laptop and I can pretty much choose what I want. Any recs? Thinking 14-15", Ethernet and Displayport (can be usb-c at mode) a must.


Nick Stenning

This might sound really dumb when I say it out loud but boy have I been surprised by how much of "engineering effectiveness" in a huge company is just finding the really good humans in other teams, building personal relationships with them, and helping each other out.

So I kinda messed myself up with work this week (work did it's bit, but I let it, really), and ended up waking up at 1AM (basically Dublin TZ) last night. That turned really really happy this morning though, because I got fresh baked french bread right out of the oven and I HAVE BEEN EATING IT ALL DAY AND I AM SO HAPPY.

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