kink - ageplay but also vent
So I feel like I'm in some liminal space between being a kid and being an adult. Not even teenager like, just... Nowhere, really. I guess that sorta contributes to why I want my partners to sorta help define me, I guess... to tell me I *am* something, to reaffirm a place that I'm allowed to be.
ageplay but also identity
I guess that's one of the reasons I love trickster types, too. Being silly and strange, viewing the world very differently from standard adults. And also fae... being able to have been around, to have had experience and understand some stranger truths.. but also to be able to not have experienced everything, to still be new at things, and still have that young wonder. The eternal child.
kink - ageplay but also vent
@BigFatFae I definitely feel that aspect myself, ahaha
... that said, softest drabunny ever. 💙
kink - ageplay but also vent
@Thaminga Myu!! *Smoooosh*
@BigFatFae I mean, you're definitely big enough to qualify as a location.
@Thaminga Nyaaaa!!!
kink - ageplay but also vent
There's always been this huge focus in my kinks of wanting my partner to just tell me what they are envisioning me as. It doesn't need to be a transformation, though it's certainly fun to 'discover' that it's happening.