Small personal problem note.
CW'd because honestly I don't think I'd want to read this from someone else right now.
I've.. had a track record now of suicidal action. The quietly locking the door kind. And it's been recent.
I had this long ramble typed up about it, but honestly... I dunno. Not really the time? I'm tired, I'm drained. I'm upset someone I care about isn't in my life anymore. But I plan on seeing tomorrow, and the day after.
I love you, thank you for caring about me.
Small personal problem note.
Small personal problem note.
@Draekos *hugs extra tight*
Small personal problem note.
@Draekos hang in there friend
come around here if you ever need a place to vent
you are also welcome to our discord, if you want to talk about stuff a little more quietly. just let me know if you want a link
Small personal problem note.
@Draekos I'm glad you're still here, thank you for sharing.
Small personal problem note.
@Draekos if you go to a hospital and tell them you are suicidal they will give you a room and monitor you until they can get someone in to evaluate you, they will try their best to get you in touch with resources and care.
Small personal problem note.
hospitals are money.
and would require access to a vehicle (which I don't have) and the desire to expend energy and resources on myself (which I never have in those situations)...
thank you for the advice though. It's reasonable, but not practical.
Small personal problem note.
@Draekos I don't know where you live but where I live hospitals dont have a right to deny service and the fire department / EMS will drive you to a hospital. Yes it's a bit of an ordeal and quite a commitment (once you check in, you aren't allowed to leave till the process is over) if it gets dark it's best to have an emergency plan.
Small personal problem note.
You know I am always here for you Kos.
You are a wonderful person and your pain does not need to be yours alone to bare.
I love you, you make every day a blessing.
@Draekos *hugs tight*
Small personal problem note.
*Offers quiet hugs*
I'm glad you're here.